我想確保在Jasmine集成測試後關閉與數據庫的連接。這是我目前的 - 將確保數據庫連接適當關閉嗎?使用Jasmine進行數據庫集成測試
"use strict";
describe("MyCtorFunction", function() {
describe("myMethod", function() {
var _db = null,
_testContext = null;
beforeEach(function() {
_testContext = {};
new DbHelper().openConnection(function (err, dbConnection) {
if (err) {
throw err;
_db = dbConnection;
waitsFor(function() {
return _db;
}, "establishing a connection to the database.", 5000);
afterEach(function() {
waitsFor(function() {
return _testContext.assertions.callCount === 1;
}, "waiting for the assertions to be called.", 5000);
runs(function() {
if (_db) {
_db = null;
it("should do something", function() {
runs(function() {
_testContext.assertions = assertions;
spyOn(_testContext, "assertions").andCallThrough();
//act (_testContext.assertions invoked as callback)
new MyCtorFunction(_db).myMethod(_testContext.assertions);
function assertions(err, config) {