下面的代碼從YouTube API獲取用戶的播放列表,並將標題和URL存儲在$ playlists數組中。如何在PHP中獲取陣列中的陣列
function get_playlists($username)
if ((time() - filemtime("{$GLOBALS['path']}/cache/playlist_cache.txt")) > 3600)
$start = 1;
$playlists = array();
$data = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/{$username}/playlists?start-index=1&max-results=50&v=2&alt=json";
foreach (json_decode(file_get_contents("$data"))->feed->entry as $playlist)
$url = (array)$playlist->link[0];
$playlists[] = array(
'title' => $playlist->title->{'$t'},
//'desc' => $playlist->{'media$group'}->{'media$description'}->{'$t'},
'url' => $playlist->{'yt$playlistId'}->{'$t'},
$last = (array)$playlist->link[1];
$start +=50;
}while (empty($last) === false && $last['rel'] === 'next');
file_put_contents("{$GLOBALS['path']}/cache/playlist_cache.txt", serialize($playlists));
$playlists = unserialize(file_get_contents("{$GLOBALS['path']}/cache/playlist_cache.txt"));
return $playlists;
Array ([0] => Array ([title] => FTB Yogcraft - w/ Dapaka [url] => PL4nGg2mJgyg-eYKyoVfOPfncFnRFdlgTq) [1] => Array ([title] => Vlogs [url] => PL4nGg2mJgyg9a4BOTK6L8lW-JYNOiKRJa) [2] => Array ([title] => One Incompetent Moron Completes - Metro 2033 [url] => PL4nGg2mJgyg9fV9r7oEJUrOoKfN4V711-) [3] => Array ([title] => Minecraft - Herobrine's Mansion [url] => PL4nGg2mJgyg_xeSCck018tccbLVL5EiSY) [4] => Array ([title] => IRL Video's [url] => PL4nGg2mJgyg_vwUIBShxEU2-LzY9xpMdt) [5] => Array ([title] => One Incompetent Moron Plays - McPixel [url] => PL4nGg2mJgyg_5CU-6ItfLVdC1l5isBwXy) [6] => Array ([title] => One Incompetent Moron Plays - The Binding Of Isaac [url] => PL4699B89F55DDAEEC) [7] => Array ([title] => Minecraft - Mod Reviews [url] => PLA9EB70BCA281692B) [8] => Array ([title] => Minecraft - Project: "City" [url] => PLAC4E2CD6E19EB091) [9] => Array ([title] => One Incompetent Moron Plays: Sumotori Dreams [url] => PLE1F0B8801427BA8F) [10] => Array ([title] => Let's Fail: DayZ [url] => PLD4298D8BCF2F0259) [11] => Array ([title] => Portal 2 - Custom Maps [url] => PL15D0E6D108971276))
這一點已經在這裏找到答案:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544176/accessing -array-arrays-in-php – madcrazydrumma 2013-04-06 17:35:25