2016-10-18 76 views


// Resource interface type 
type Resource interface { 
    // Identifier returns the id for the object 
    Identifier() bson.ObjectId 
    // Description give a short description of the object 
    Description() string 
    // Initialize should configure a resource with defaults 
    // Collection name for resource 
    Collection() string 
    // Indexes for the resources 
    Indexes() []mgo.Index 
    // UserACL returns the user access control list 
    UserACL() *UserACL 
    // IsEqual should compare and return if resources are equal 
    IsEqual(other Resource) bool 
    // Refresh should update a resource from the database 


// Position model 
type Position struct { 
    ID  bson.ObjectId `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty" fake:"bson_id"` 
    Title  string  `json:"title" bson:"title" fake:"job_title"` 
    Summary string  `json:"summary" bson:"summary,omitempty" fake:"paragraph"` 
    IsCurrent bool   `json:"isCurrent" bson:"is_current,omitempty" fake:"bool"` 
    CompanyID bson.ObjectId `json:"company" bson:"company_id,omitempty" fake:"bson_id"` 
    UACL  *UserACL  `bson:"user_acl,omitempty" fake:"user_acl"` 

// Identifier returns the id for the object 
func (p *Position) Identifier() bson.ObjectId { 
    return p.ID 

// Description give a short description of the object 
func (p *Position) Description() string { 
    return fmt.Sprintf("[%v:%v]", p.Collection(), p.ID) 
....(the other methods follow) 


func InterfaceSlice(slice interface{}) []Resource { 
    s := reflect.ValueOf(slice).Elem() 
    if s.Kind() != reflect.Slice { 
     panic("InterfaceSlice() given a non-slice type") 

    ret := make([]Resource, s.Len()) 

    for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { 
     r := s.Index(i) 
     rInterface := r.Interface() 
     ret[i] = rInterface.(Resource) 

    return ret 


ret[i] = rInterface.(Resource) 



恐慌說什麼? – JimB


當我發送獲取請求時,我得到一個追溯到上面提到的代碼行的堆棧跟蹤,我得到一個500 – mudejar


恐慌將包含一條錯誤消息,該消息是什麼? – JimB



好Kaedys建議我換 R:= s.Index(I) 分爲: R:= s.Index(I).Addr()
