2009-07-16 61 views

我是一個相當新的程序員,所以請耐心等待。我使用VC++ 2008「msvcp90d.dll」中的未處理的異常?

我正在從我的節目這個錯誤時,Z projection.exe


電腦然後把我帶到這個頁面的代碼,看起來相當混亂,我絕對沒寫。它指出,這部分代碼爲有問題的代碼(由「< - 計算機指向該行」 maerked):

_CRTIMP2_PURE static size_t __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL _Getcat(const facet ** = 0, 
    const locale * = 0) 
{ // get category value, or -1 if no corresponding C category 
    return ((size_t)(-1)); 

_CRTIMP2_PURE void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Incref() 
{ // safely increment the reference count 
     if (_Refs < (size_t)(-1)) 
      ++_Refs;  <-computer points to this line 

_CRTIMP2_PURE facet *__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Decref() 
{ // safely decrement the reference count, return this when dead 
    if (0 < _Refs && _Refs < (size_t)(-1)) 
    return (_Refs == 0 ? this : 0); 

我已經把範圍縮小到代碼在我自己的程序行很可能導致崩潰(代碼四號線開始以「指數」,還階段= 1):

stringstream index; 
string fileName = ""; 

index << setw(3) << setfill('0') << stage - 1; 

fileName = "positive Z topography-" + index.str() + ".txt"; 



#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <iomanip> 

using namespace std; 

int main() 
    int dim = 100; 
    int steps = 9; //step 0 = 1, steps = actual steps + 1 
    int spread = 5; //number of points averaged to get a slope, must be an odd number 
    int halfSpread = (spread - 1)/2; //redefine for eazier use in program (better efficency) 

    char * partMap = new char [dim * dim * dim]; // cad data 

    // positive and negitive denote the x direction the check is moving in. Positive is 0 -> x, negitive is x -> 0. 
    unsigned short int * positiveProjection = new unsigned short int [dim * dim]; //projection arrays 
    unsigned short int * negitiveProjection = new unsigned short int [dim * dim]; 

    unsigned short int * negitiveThickness = new unsigned short int [dim * dim]; 

    double * negitiveXGradient = new double [dim * dim]; 
    double * negitiveYGradient = new double [dim * dim]; 

    stringstream index; 
    string fileName; 

    ifstream txtFile; 
    txtFile.open("3D CAD Part.txt"); 
    txtFile.read(partMap, dim * dim * dim); 

    for (int stage = 1; stage < steps; stage++) 

     cout << "stage " << stage << endl; 

     //z axis projections 
     //projection order is along x then along y, during each step, along z in both directions 

     int k = 0; // z axis loop variable 

     for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) 
      for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) 
       k = 0; 

       while ((k != dim) && partMap[dim * ((dim - 1 - k) + dim * i) + j] < stage) 
       positiveProjection[dim * k + j] = k; 

       k = dim; 

       while ((k != 0) && partMap[dim * ((dim - 1 - (k - 1)) + dim * i) + j] < stage) 
       negitiveProjection[dim * k + j] = i; 

       while ((k != 0) && partMap[dim * ((dim - 1 - (k - 1)) + dim * i) + j] >= stage) 
       negitiveThickness[dim * k + j] = negitiveProjection[dim * k + j] - k; 

     // negitive dz/dx gradient 
     for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) 

      //first loop to handle the first edge gradients 
      for (int i = 0; i < halfSpread; i++) 
       negitiveXGradient[(j * dim) + i] = (double(negitiveProjection[(j * dim) + halfSpread + i]) - double(negitiveProjection[j * dim]))/(halfSpread + i); // untested 

      //second loop to handle the main middle section 
      for (int i = halfSpread; i < dim - halfSpread; i++) 
       negitiveXGradient[(j * dim) + i] = (double(negitiveProjection[(j * dim) + i + halfSpread]) - double(negitiveProjection[(j * dim) + i - halfSpread]))/ (spread - 1); // untested 

      //third loop to handle the end edge gradients 
      for (int i = dim - halfSpread; i < dim; i++) 
       negitiveXGradient[(j * dim) + i] = (double(negitiveProjection[(j * dim) + dim - 1]) - double(negitiveProjection[j * dim + i - halfSpread]))/((dim - 1) - i + halfSpread); // untested 

     // negitive dz/dy gradient 
     for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) 
      //first loop to handle the first edge gradients 
      for (int j = 0; j < halfSpread; j++) 
       negitiveYGradient[(j * dim) + i] = (double(negitiveProjection[((j + halfSpread) * dim) + i]) - double(negitiveProjection[i]))/(halfSpread + j); // untested 

      //second loop to handle the main middle section 
      for (int j = halfSpread; j < dim - halfSpread; j++) 
       negitiveYGradient[(j * dim) + i] = (double(negitiveProjection[((j + halfSpread) * dim) + i]) - double(negitiveProjection[((j - halfSpread) * dim) + i]))/ (spread - 1); // untested 

      //third loop to handle the end edge gradients 
      for (int j = dim - halfSpread; j < dim; j++) 
       negitiveYGradient[(j * dim) + i] = (double(negitiveProjection[(dim * (dim - 1)) + i]) - double(negitiveProjection[((j - halfSpread) * dim) + i]))/((dim - 1) - j + halfSpread); // untested 

     fileName = ""; // reset string and stringstream 

     index << setw(3) << setfill('0') << stage - 1; // set index, index is -1 of stage due to the program structure 

     fileName = "positive Z topography-" + index.str() + ".txt"; 

     ofstream outputFile1(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); 
     outputFile1.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(positiveProjection), streamsize(dim * dim * sizeof(unsigned short int))); 

     fileName = "negitive Z topography-" + index.str() + ".txt"; 

     ofstream outputFile2(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); 
     outputFile2.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(negitiveProjection), streamsize(dim * dim * sizeof(unsigned short int))); 

     fileName = "negitive Z thickness-" + index.str() + ".txt"; 

     ofstream outputFile4(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); 
     outputFile4.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(negitiveThickness), streamsize(dim * dim * sizeof(unsigned short int)));  

     fileName = "negitive Z X gradient-" + index.str() + ".txt"; 

     ofstream outputFile5(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); 
     outputFile5.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(negitiveXGradient), streamsize(dim * dim * sizeof(double))); 

     fileName = "negitive Z Y gradient-" + index.str() + ".txt"; 

     ofstream outputFile6(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); 
     outputFile6.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(negitiveYGradient), streamsize(dim * dim * sizeof(double))); 




這是代碼從您的程序中原樣複製嗎? – 2009-07-16 19:11:23


這幾乎和我的程序一樣,除了我之前聲明的stringstream索引和字符串文件名外。 有沒有變數擔心,所有你需要知道的變量是階段= 1(我說)。 上面的大塊代碼不是我的。我沒有第一個線索爲什麼它存在或有什麼問題只有我的調試器說它不好... – Faken 2009-07-16 19:42:49


這段代碼是類的一部分,索引和文件名是成員嗎?這是我認爲索引會員數據無效的唯一原因。除非你在函數中有更早的代碼,你可以發佈整個例程嗎? – 2009-07-16 19:56:58





while ((k != dim) && partMap[dim * ((dim - 1 - k) + dim * i) + j] < stage) 


positiveProjection[dim * k + j] = k; 

將出界的positiveProjection任何j,因爲你試圖用指標和dim*dim + j它只有尺寸dim*dim


我是一個相當新的程序員,所以請 熊我在這個。


計算機,然後把我帶到這個 頁面的代碼

你可能意味着Visual Studio調試器爲您帶來這條線。您可以使用「堆棧跟蹤」功能來查找發生問題的確切位置:單擊菜單調試 - > Windows - >調用堆棧。


int main() 

    std::stringstream index; 
    std::string fileName = ""; 
    int stage = 1; 
    index << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << stage - 1; 
    fileName = "positive Z topography-" + index.str() + ".txt"; 
    std::cout << "Done with test.\n"; 
    return 0; 
