2012-03-23 70 views


"EntityCommandExecutionException was unhandled by user code.


"In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user."

和下內部異常 - >消息:

"A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The handle is invalid.)"

Ť他編寫的Visual Studio認爲是有過錯的是:

Dim qpeople = (From p In dbContext2.PEOPLE _ 
            Where p.PEOPLE_ID = ID _ 
            Order By p.CREATE_DATE Descending _ 
            Select p).FirstOrDefault 


Protected Sub btnUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click 
    Dim semester As String = ddlwhSemester.SelectedValue 
    Dim year As String = txtwhYear.Text 
    Dim exists As String = "N" 
    Dim pcsemester As String = ddlSemester.SelectedItem.Text 
    Dim pcyear As String = ddlYear.SelectedItem.Text 
    Using dbContext As pbu_housingEntities = New pbu_housingEntities 
     ' Get the list of residents in webHousing. 
     Dim qresidents = (From p In dbContext.Residents _ 
          Where p.semester = semester _ 
          Where p.year = year _ 
         Select p.people_code_id) 
     Using dbContext2 As Campus6Entities = New Campus6Entities 
      ' Get the list of students in PowerCampus. 
      Dim qstudents = (From p In dbContext2.RESIDENCies _ 
          Join a In dbContext2.ACADEMICs _ 
          On a.PEOPLE_CODE_ID Equals p.PEOPLE_CODE_ID _ 
          Where p.ACADEMIC_TERM = pcsemester _ 
          Where p.ACADEMIC_YEAR = pcyear _ 
          Where a.ACADEMIC_TERM = pcsemester _ 
          Where a.ACADEMIC_YEAR = pcyear _ 
          Where a.PROGRAM = "UND" _ 
          Where (a.CLASS_LEVEL = "FR" _ 
          Or a.CLASS_LEVEL = "FRNR" _ 
          Or a.CLASS_LEVEL = "FRST" _ 
          Or a.CLASS_LEVEL = "SO" _ 
          Or a.CLASS_LEVEL = "JR" _ 
          Or a.CLASS_LEVEL = "SR" _ 
          Or a.CLASS_LEVEL = "SR5" _ 
          Or a.CLASS_LEVEL = "Tran") _ 
          Select p.PEOPLE_ID).Distinct 
      For Each row In qstudents 
       exists = "N" 
       For Each res In qresidents 
        If row.ToString = res.ToString Then 
         exists = "Y" 
        End If 
       If exists = "Y" Then 
        ' Skip adding. 
        ' Add a row. 
        ' Get the ID 
        Dim ID As String = row 
        ' Get info from PowerCampus 
        Dim qpeople = (From p In dbContext2.PEOPLE _ 
            Where p.PEOPLE_ID = ID _ 
            Order By p.CREATE_DATE Descending _ 
            Select p).FirstOrDefault 
        Dim people_code_id As String = qpeople.PEOPLE_CODE_ID 
        Dim qacademic = (From p In dbContext2.ACADEMICs _ 
            Where p.PEOPLE_CODE_ID = people_code_id _ 
            Where p.ACADEMIC_TERM = pcsemester _ 
            Where p.ACADEMIC_YEAR = pcyear _ 
            Order By p.CREATE_DATE Descending _ 
            Select p.CLASS_LEVEL).FirstOrDefault 
        Dim qaddress = (From p In dbContext2.ADDRESSes _ 
            Where p.PEOPLE_ORG_CODE_ID = people_code_id _ 
            Where p.ADDRESS_TYPE = "Perm" _ 
            Order By p.CREATE_DATE Descending _ 
            Select p).FirstOrDefault 
        Dim qdemographics = (From p In dbContext2.DEMOGRAPHICS _ 
             Where p.PEOPLE_CODE_ID = people_code_id _ 
             Order By p.CREATE_DATE Descending _ 
             Select p.GENDER).FirstOrDefault 

        ' Create the new occupant. 
        Dim newres As New Resident 
        newres.people_code_id = ID 
        newres.person_name = qpeople.FIRST_NAME + " " + qpeople.MIDDLE_NAME + " " + qpeople.LAST_NAME 
        newres.first_name = qpeople.FIRST_NAME 
        newres.last_name = qpeople.LAST_NAME 
        newres.class_level = qacademic 
        newres.gender = qdemographics 
        newres.semester = semester 
        newres.year = year 
        newres.email = qaddress.EMAIL_ADDRESS 
        newres.create_date = Date.Now 
       End If 
     End Using 
    End Using 
End Sub 




Dim ID As String = row 



Geez,我試過所有的東西和它的母親讓這個東西工作(完全重寫上面的代碼),修復很簡單。 – davemackey 2012-03-26 13:22:35


那麼,那工作...不幸的是,我後來意識到,我把它設置爲字符串的原因是B/C整數切斷了前導零 - 並且,不幸的是,其他數據庫使用前導零。 – davemackey 2012-03-26 18:28:13


在任何地方使用PEOPLE_CODE_ID解決前導零問題,因爲它總是以字母P開頭。 – bendodge 2018-03-07 17:26:45




感謝您的想法...不幸的是,它已被設置爲主鍵...所以沒有運氣的簡單修復。 : -/ – davemackey 2012-03-23 14:56:28
