2016-06-30 58 views


Sub Cloud_Sales() 

Dim Firstrow As Long 
Dim LastRow As Long 
Dim LRow As Long 
Dim wb As Workbook 
Dim ws As Worksheet 

With Application 
    CalcMode = .Calculation 
    .Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
    .ScreenUpdating = False 
End With 

'We use the ActiveSheet but you can replace this with 
'Sheets("MySheet")if you want 
Worksheets("Cloud Sales").Activate 
With Sheets("Cloud Sales") 

    'Set the first and last row to loop through 
    Firstrow = .UsedRange.Cells(1).Row 
    LastRow = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row 

    'We loop from Lastrow to Firstrow (bottom to top) 
    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

     'We check the values in the N column 
     With .Cells(LRow, "N") 

      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Unsuccessful") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Unsuccessful" 
       'in Column N. 
      End If 
     End With 

    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

     'We check the values in the N 
     With .Cells(LRow, "N") 

      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Not Evaluated") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Not Evaluated" 
       'in Column N. 
      End If 
     End With 

    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

     'We check the values in the N 
     With .Cells(LRow, "N") 

      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Suspended") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Suspended" 
       'in Column N. 
      End If 
     End With 

    Next LRow 

    'We loop from Lastrow to Firstrow (bottom to top) 
    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

     'We check the values in the L column 
     With .Cells(LRow, "L") 

      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("North America") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "North America" 
       'in Column L. 
      End If 
     End With 

    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

     'We check the values in the L 
     With .Cells(LRow, "L") 

      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Latin America") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Latin America" 
       'in Column L. 
      End If 
     End With 

    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

     'We check the values in the L 
     With .Cells(LRow, "L") 

      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("APJ") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "APJ" 
       'in Column L. 
      End If 
     End With 

    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - Chinese") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - Chinese" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - Japanese") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - Japanese" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
     Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - Korean") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - Korean" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
     Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop - AM") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop - AM" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop - ILT") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop - ILT" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop - LA") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop - LA" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop Attendance Verification - APJ") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop Attendance Verification - APJ" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency Prework - Chinese") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency Prework - Chinese" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency Prework - Japanese") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency Prework - Japanese" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Sales Cloud Competency Prework - Korean") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Sales Cloud Competency Prework - Korean" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("VMAX 101 - Chinese") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "VMAX 101 - Chinese" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("VMAX 101 - Japanese") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "VMAX 101 - Japanese" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("VMAX 101 - Korean") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "VMAX 101 - Korean" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("XtremIO 101 - Chinese") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "XtremIO 101 - Chinese" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("XtremIO 101 - Japanese") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "XtremIO 101 - Japanese" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

    For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
     'We check the values in the E 
     With .Cells(LRow, "E") 
      If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
       If LCase(.Value) = LCase("XtremIO 101 - Korean") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "XtremIO 101 - Korean" 
       'in Column E. 
      End If 
     End With 
    Next LRow 

End With 

'This will copy and paste Column E and insert into a new column P,maintaining header formatting 
Range("Table1[[#Headers],[Course Title]]").Select 
Application.CutCopyMode = False 
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _ 
    SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False 
Application.CutCopyMode = False 

'This will change the multiple values for each Course Title to one specific title 
     Set r = Range("P:P") 
     mytext = "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test" 

For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - English" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - French" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - German" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Post-class Test - Russian" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     End If 

     Set r = Range("P:P") 
     mytext = "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop" 

For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop - EM" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency 2016 Workshop - ILT" Then 
     End If 

     Set r = Range("P:P") 
     mytext = "Sales Cloud Competency Prework" 

For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency Prework - English" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency Prework - French" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency Prework - German" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "Sales Cloud Competency Prework - Russian" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     End If 

     Set r = Range("P:P") 
     mytext = "VMAX 101" 

For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value = "VMAX 101 - English" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "VMAX 101 - French" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "VMAX 101 - German" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "VMAX 101 - Russian" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     End If 

     Set r = Range("P:P") 
     mytext = "XtremIO 101" 

For Each cell In r 
     If cell.Value = "XtremIO 101 - English" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "XtremIO 101 - French" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "XtremIO 101 - German" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     ElseIf cell.Value = "XtremIO 101 - Russian" Then 
      cell.Value = mytext 
     End If 


    'Remove duplicates from "Learner Email Address" & "Course Title2" columns 
    ActiveSheet.Range("Table1[#All]").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(10, 16), _ 

    'Resize Raw Data table to add in new Column P to table in order to refresh Pivot 
    Worksheets("Cloud Sales").ListObjects("Table1").Resize Range("$A:$P") 

    'Hide Raw Data tab, open pivot table tab 

     Worksheets("Cloud Sales").Visible = False 
     Worksheets("Cloud Sales Pivot").Visible = True 
     Worksheets("Cloud Sales Pivot").Activate 

    ' Create Pivot Table 
    ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _ 
    "Cloud Sales!R1C1:R1048576C16", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion15). _ 
    CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="Cloud Sales Pivot!R2C2", TableName:= _ 
    "PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion15 
    Sheets("Cloud Sales Pivot").Select 
    Cells(2, 2).Select 
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Course Title2") 
    .Orientation = xlColumnField 
    .Position = 1 
    End With 
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields(_ 
    "Learner Main Geography") 
    .Orientation = xlPageField 
    .Position = 1 
    End With 
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Learner Email Address" _ 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 1 
End With 
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables(_ 
    "PivotTable1").PivotFields("Course Title2"), "Count of Course Title2", xlCount 

    'Inform the user that the process has successfully completed 

     MsgBox "Cloud Sales Complete", vbOKOnly, "Success" 

End Sub 

如果您的代碼運行,一個更好的地方問這個問題將是http://codereview.stackexchange.com/他們專注於改善和優化工作代碼 – RGA


謝謝,我一定會記住這個未來。我總是嘗試自己完成自己的代碼,因爲經驗是一位優秀的老師 – Mullak5


確實如此!我只是指出你的位置,因爲這些用戶可能更適合幫助你進一步優化。當然,我們很樂意讓像你這樣的成員加入SO社區。快樂的編碼! – RGA





For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

    'We check the values in the N column 
    With .Cells(LRow, "N") 

     If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
      If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Unsuccessful") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
      'This will delete each row with the Value "Unsuccessful" 
      'in Column N. 
     End If 
    End With 

Next LRow 

For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

    'We check the values in the N 
    With .Cells(LRow, "N") 

     If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
      If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Not Evaluated") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
      'This will delete each row with the Value "Not Evaluated" 
      'in Column N. 
     End If 
    End With 

Next LRow 

For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 

    'We check the values in the N 
    With .Cells(LRow, "N") 

     If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
      If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Suspended") Then .EntireRow.Delete 
      'This will delete each row with the Value "Suspended" 
      'in Column N. 
     End If 
    End With 

Next LRow 


For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
    With .Cells(LRow, "N") 
     If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
      If LCase(.Value) = LCase("Suspended") Then 
      'This will delete each row with the Value "Suspended" 
      'in Column N. 
      ElseIf LCase(.Value) = LCase("Not Evaluated") Then 
      'This will delete each row with the Value "Not Evaluated" 
      'in Column N. 
      ElseIf LCase(.Value) = LCase("Unsuccessful") Then 
      'This will delete each row with the Value "Unsuccessful" 
      'in Column N. 
      End If 
     End If 
    End With 
Next LRow 


你也可以用「Select Case」縮短,如下所示:


For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
    With .Cells(LRow, "N") 
     If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
      Select Case LCase(.Value) 
       Case LCase("Suspended") 
       'This will delete each row with the Value "Suspended" 
       'in Column N. 
       Case LCase("Not Evaluated") 
        'This will delete each row with the Value "Not Evaluated" 
        'in Column N. 
       Case LCase("Unsuccessful") 
        'This will delete each row with the Value "Unsuccessful" 
        'in Column N. 
      End Select 
     End If 
    End With 
Next LRow 


For LRow = LastRow To Firstrow Step -1 
    With .Cells(LRow, "N") 
     If Not IsError(.Value) Then 
      Select Case LCase(.Value) 
       Case LCase("Suspended"), LCase("Not Evaluated"), LCase("Unsuccessful")  
        'This will delete each row with the Value "Suspended" 
        'in Column N. 
      End Select 
     End If 
    End With 
Next LRow 



即使命令是相同的,我也離開了'If-ElseIf'結構,因爲(據我所知),通過將所有語句放在一個邏輯檢查中,而OR語句之間沒有性能改進,但它的可能這也可以提高速度。 「If-Elseif」只需要儘可能多的條件就可以更容易地閱讀 – RGA


感謝您的迅速回復,我將嘗試實施您的建議並回饋反饋意見。再次感謝 – Mullak5


@ Mullak5看看我所做的編輯,還可以使用'Select Case'語句來縮短你的代碼。 –
