- 一個整數的年齡。
- 字符串名稱。如果給定名稱包含非字母字符,則初始化爲Wolfy。
- 一個字符串樹皮,代表狗在說話時發出的發聲。
- 代表頭髮長度的布爾值;真指示短髮。
- 代表狗體重的浮子重量(磅)。
- 代表尾部類型的枚舉(LONG,SHORT,NONE)。
- 默認構造函數。
- 將名稱作爲參數的構造函數。
- 方法private boolean validName(String)返回true/false給定名稱是否包含非字母字符。
- humanAge計算並返回狗的年齡「人類年。」
- 說出返回犬吠......
package lab101;
public class Dog
public enum TailType
private int age;
private float weight;
private String name;
private String bark;
private boolean hairLength;
private TailType tail;
//Default Constructor--> initializes an object (called once)every constructor
//must initialize all the classes attributes!!
public Dog()
age = 0;
weight = 0;
name = "";
bark = "";
hairLength = false;
tail = TailType.NONE;
//Overloaded constructor (must have an argument)
public Dog(String theName)
age = 0;
weight = 0;
name = theName;
bark = "";
hairLength = false;
tail = TailType.NONE;
//If the name contains non-alphabetic characters
private boolean validName(String str)
str = str.toLowerCase();
if (str.length() <= 0)
return false;
//Computes the dog's age in human years.
public int humanAge()
int theAge = 7 * age;
return theAge;
//Returns the value of bark if true
public String(speak)
return bark;
//Method: <privacy: (private, public)> <return-type (data type or void)> <methodName>(<argument>){
// <body>
// return
// }
public String toString()
String str = "";
str += "Name: " + name;
str += "Weight: " + weight;
str += "Bark: " + bark;
str += "Hair Length: " + hairLength;
str += "Tail: " + tail;
str += "Age: " + age;
return str;
究竟validName方法呢? –