var check = true;
var number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
while (check === true){
var guess = prompt("I picked a number 0 to 20, try to guess it!");
if (number === guess) {
print("You guessed correctly! Good job!");
check = false;
else if (number < guess) {
print("\n\You guessed too high!");
else if (number > guess) {
print("\n\You guessed too low!");
else {
print("\n\Error. You did not type a valid number");
print("\n\Guess: " + guess + ".");
'print','exit()'? – j08691
我以前見過這些方法。不記得它在高中的名字,他們有一個超級簡單的運行時環境設置爲JavaScript,所以學習者不必處理瀏覽器或node.js的複雜環境。 –
我使用的打印命令,因爲我使用的網站使用打印,而不是console.log – MkayBye