2013-04-08 95 views



從概念上講,我打算使用jQuery draggable來通過拖動函數調整主背景圖像的CSS background-position。我需要在customize.php頁面上應用draggable(),將腳本排隊到那裏,然後操作iframe中的DOM。它需要在容器/父級別完成,因爲該級別的設置會更新X和Y座標並將其保存在存儲的設置中。


  1. 獲取的iframe
  2. 操作DOM的內容在iframe中,通過draggable()調整背景圖像並將background-position座標存儲爲數據屬性,然後將它們保存到適當的設置輸入字段。

在我的經驗中,從「父」操縱的iframe裏面的DOM /容器水平是困難的,我想知道如果有件事情我不知道,這是絕對不可能的,或者有一些解決方法嗎? (請注意,始發域是相同的,所以不會有任何跨域iframe問題)


如果iframe和父域相匹配,你可以在兩者之間進行通信的。這就是TinyMCE和CKEditor等編輯器的工作原理。 js對象可以在兩者之間傳遞,但是由於內存泄漏和其他問題,您需要小心使用dom對象。如果你使用類似jQuery的庫,它也可以工作,但前提是上下文是正確的文檔。 – 2013-04-08 17:24:16


附加說明。你不能得到可拖動的工作,從文檔到iframe。這是可能的,但它需要一些事件從iframe傳遞到文檔以及其他方式,以及一些額外的自定義。但通常是可能的。我有這樣的工作。但因爲這只是一個測試,我不知道我是否仍然擁有它。 – 2013-04-08 17:35:36


感謝您的洞察力。如果你覺得它並且想分享代碼,我會很樂意接受它作爲一個回報,讓其他人看到相同的利益。 – Brian 2013-04-08 17:37:53



這是我父母iframe通信的測試實現的簡化代碼。我添加了一些樣本如何使用。但我必須指出,它已經超出了我的實驗室部分,而且我目前還沒有時間來檢查它是否完全跨瀏覽器兼容。但如果不是,那麼只會做一些小的改變。 (編輯在當前鉻,ff和IE 6-9測試)



<!doctype html> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
    <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> 

    (function($, window, undefined) { 

     var iframe; 

     // the connector object the will be passed to the iframe and will be used as "API" 
     var parentConnector = { 
      _window : window, // a reference to the parents window (not really necessary but nice to have) 
      $ : $,    // a reference to the parents jQuery that can be accessed from the iframe (use with caution) 

      // here you will define you "API" for the parent (the functions you want to call from the iframe) 
      setElementValue : function(selector, value) { 


     // this function is called by the iframe to register the iframe in the parent 
     window.registerIFrame = function(iframeHelper) { 
      //if you have multible iframe in the parent you could change the code here to store them in e.g. an arrray or with a key in an object 
      iframe = iframeHelper; 

      // register the parent in the iframe 

     $(document).on("click",".slideUp",function(event) { 

      call a function on the helper object, this is the savest way for the commincation because 
      there is it minimizes the risk to mix the differnt context 

      This way would work at least in chrome, with the current version with jquery, but it relays the jQuery implementation 
      that the correct document is used. 

      One thing you should NEVER do is the following: 


      The reason you should not do this is because this mixes DOMElements of different context. 
      This will result in unexpected crashes/bahaviors in some browsers (but could work in others, or at least it will look like it would work) 


     // same as the slide down, it is just there to have some interaction sample 
     $(document).on("click",".slideDown",function(event) { 

    })(jQuery, window); 

    <input type="text" class="info-from-iframe"><br> 
    <a href="#" class="slideUp">slideUp</a> <a href="#" class="slideDown">slideDown</a><br> 
    <iframe src="iframe.html"></iframe> 



<!doctype html> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
    <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> 

    (function($,window,undefined) { 

     //the connector object the will be passed to the parent and will be used as "API" 
     var iframeConnector = { 

      _window : window,  // a reference to the iframes window (not really necessary but nice to have) 
      _parent : undefined, 
      $ : $,    // a reference to the iframes jQuery that can be accessed from the parent (use with caution) 

      // this function is called by the parent to register the parent in the iframe 
      registerParent : function(parent) { 
       this._parent = parent; 

      /* here you will define you "API" for the iframe (the functions you want to call from the parent)*/ 
      slideUp : function() { 

      slideDown : function() { 


      setElementValue : function(selector, value) { 


     // register the iframe in the parent 

     $(document).mousemove(function(event) { 
      //use the parents "API" to call a function in the parent 
      iframeConnector._parent.setElementValue(".info-from-iframe", event.clientX+", "+event.clientY); 


    <input type="text" class="info-from-parent"><br> 
    <div class="test"> 