2012-02-14 294 views

如何在OCaml中定義樹+指向其子樹的指針,以便在該子樹中添加樹葉需要一定的時間?定義樹+ ocaml中的子樹的指針


在OCaml的純子集中,數據是不可變的。所以你不能將樹葉添加到樹上。你只能製作一棵與老樹相似但有額外葉子的新樹。如果您使用OCaml的不純的構造,解決方案將與任何命令式語言一樣。你能顯示迄今爲止你已經嘗試過的代碼嗎? – 2012-02-14 20:17:40


在OCaml的不純的子集中,數據是可變的。你可以改變記錄,字符串,記錄,所以你在OCaml中找到的是確實可能的,而不是純粹的語言。 – 2012-02-14 22:52:59


@Jeffrey:我所做的只是沿着路徑加入葉子,所以類似於, 'type tree = Empty | 'a *樹列表節點 讓rec添加路徑=函數 |空 - >節點(a,[]) | Node(s,c) - > if(空路徑)then Node(s,Node(a,[]):: c)else 節點(s,List.map(fun x - > if(greater_than path(path_to然後添加一個(減去路徑(path_to x))else x)c)' 然而,我使用的路徑在下一步構建樹時會變得更長,所以像指針一樣會很方便。可能我會在這裏嘗試一些建議,拉鍊或可變記錄。 – mencaripagi 2012-02-15 00:40:20





type 'a tree_cell = {mutable node : 'a tree} 
and 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Branch of 'a tree_cell * 'a * 'a tree_cell 

如果你持有的'a tree_cell,你可以變異它(在恆定的時間)。

let head {node = (Leaf x | Branch(_, x, _))} = x 

let duplicate cell = 
    cell.node <- Branch (cell, head cell, {node = cell.node}) 



type 'a tree_cell = {mutable node: 'a tree} 
and 'a tree = Branch of 'a * 'a tree_cell list 


type 'a tree = Branch of 'a * 'a forest 
and 'a forest = 'a tree list 

(* the data between the current cursor and the root of the tree *) 
type 'a top_context = Top | Under of 'a * 'a tree * 'a top_context 

(* a cursor on the 'data' element of a tree *) 
type 'a data_cursor = top_context * 'a tree list 

(* plug some data in the hole and get a tree back *) 
val fill_data : 'a data_cursor -> 'a -> 'a tree 

(* a cursor on one of the children of a tree *) 
type 'a list_zipper = 'a list * 'a list 
type 'a children_cursor = top_context * 'a * 'a tree list_zipper 

(* plug some subtree in the hole and get a tree back *) 
val fill_children : 'a children_cursor -> 'a tree -> 'a tree 

(* carve a data hole at the root; also return what was in the hole *) 
val top_data : 'a tree -> 'a data_cursor * 'a 

(* fill a data hole and get a cursor for the first children in return 
    -- if it exists *) 
val move_down : 'a data_cursor -> 'a -> ('a children_cursor * 'a tree) option 
(* fill the children hole and carve out the one on the left *) 
val move_left : 'a data_cursor -> 'a tree -> ('a data_cursor * 'a tree) option 
val move_right : 'a data_cursor -> 'a tree -> ('a data_cursor * 'a tree) option 
(* fill the children hole and get a cursor on the data *) 
val move_up : 'a children_cursor -> 'a tree -> 'a data_cursor * 'a 

是的,我認爲這是我正在尋找的。謝謝! – mencaripagi 2012-02-16 09:01:13



type 'a t = { 
    value : 'a; 
    mutable left : 'a t option; 
    mutable right : 'a t option; 
