2014-10-30 21 views


在下面的部分從未在服務條目中使用,所以我顯示適用於具有默認配置的系統的適用部分。運行報告時,是servicedate是2014年10月1日之間 - 在服務條目用於2014年10月6日部分 -

Instrument Part Number Part Description    Revision Number Date xNumber 
ICQ IA EP5 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 100  
ICQ IA EP6 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 100   
ICQ IA EP7 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 100  



Instrument Part Number Part Description    Revision Number Date xNumber 
ICQ IA EP5 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 100  
ICQ IA EP6 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 101   10/05/2014 
ICQ IA EP7 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 101   10/05/2014 

現在,如果我跑與提供給查詢作爲2014年10月1日的日期範圍的報告 - 2014年10月14日,你可以看到系統6對10/05其他服務項目。由於系統5從來沒有服務條目,我仍然在部件表中顯示缺省修訂編號。

Instrument Part Number Part Description    Revision Number Date xNumber 
    ICQ IA EP5 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 100  
    ICQ IA EP6 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 101   10/05/2014 
    ICQ IA EP6 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 101   10/10/2014 
    ICQ IA EP7 152970  RSH-Load Platform-Arm (Spring), 101   10/05/2014 


DECLARE @run_log TABLE(  
     [Instrument] nvarchar(max),  
     [SubSystem] NVARCHAR(max),  
     [AbbottPartNumber] NVARCHAR(max),  
     [RSLMSPartID] int,  
     [PartDescription] NVARCHAR(max), 
     [PartRevisionNumber] NVARCHAR(max), 
     --[ServiceEntryID] int, 
     [Date] datetime, 
     [TSBNumber] nvarchar (max), 
     [CRNumber] nvarchar(max) 
insert @run_log 
select DISTINCT 
    System.SystemFullName as Instrument, 
    Part.System as SubSystem, 
    Part.ID as PartID, 
    Part.RevisionNumber as PartRevisionNumber, 
    --NULL as ServiceEntryID, 
    NULL as Date, 
    NULL as TSBNumber, 
    NULL as CRNumber 
    from Part 
    inner join InstrumentType on Part.InstrumentTypeID = InstrumentType.ID 
    inner join SystemModule on SystemModule.InstrumentTypeID = Part.InstrumentTypeID 
    inner join System on System.ID = SystemModule.SystemID 
    WHERE System.PlatformID = 2 and Part.Active = 1 and InstrumentType.Active = 1 
    and Part.ID = 152970 
    and Part.ParentID > 0 

;WITH RunLogs AS(  
     SELECT *  
     FROM @run_log r 


-- Parts Installed in Entries inlc Baseline and/or user selected 
     System.SystemFullName as Instrument, 
    Part.System as Subsystem, 
    Part.ID as PartID, 
    COALESCE(ServiceEntryPart.PartRevisionNumber,Part.RevisionNumber) AS PartRevisionNumber, 
    ServiceEntry.ServiceDateTime as Date, 
    from Part 
    inner join ServiceEntryPart on ServiceEntryPart.PartID = Part.ID 
    inner join ServiceEntry on ServiceEntry.ID = ServiceEntryPart.ServiceEntryID 
    inner join systemmodule on ServiceEntryPart.SystemModuleID = SystemModule.ID 
    inner join System on System.ID = SystemModule.SystemID 
    cross apply 
    dbo.SplitStrings_Moden(ServiceEntryPart.ServiceTypeIDs, N',') M2 
    JOIN dbo.SplitStrings_Moden('1', N',') P ON (M2.Item = P.Item or '1'IS NULL) 
    WHERE System.PlatformID = 2 and Part.Active = 1 
    and Part.ParentID > 0 AND Part.ID = 152970 


如果我做UNION ALL,熱膨脹係數和第二查詢之間我得到的結果如下,這是非常接近我所需要的,但行7號和9不應顯示因爲它們來自CTE並且我不需要它們,因爲這些部分用於服務入口服務條目部分中,如果它們在CTE中被引用,則在第二個查詢中返回的基本部分,在結果中,你需要不被遺忘。

Instrument SubSystem RSLMSPartID PartDescription PartRevisionNumber Date TSBNumber CRNumber 
ICQ IA EP00 - Dallas RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP1 - Dallas RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP2 - Dallas RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP3 - Dallas RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP4 - Dallas RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP5 - Dallas RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP6 - Lake County RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP6 - Lake County RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL 2014-10-09 17:35:00.000 NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP7 - Wiesbaden RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EP7 - Wiesbaden RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL 2014-10-09 17:10:00.000 NULL NULL 
ICQ IA EPTraining - Training RSH 152970 Arm (Spring), Tray/Carrier Detect NULL NULL NULL NULL 



添加您的查詢排除作爲另一個CTE,然後使用WHERE NOT EXISTS()來排除這些記錄。

;WITH toExclude AS( 

    -- Parts Installed in Entries inlc Baseline and/or user selected 
    select System.SystemFullName as Instrument, 
     Part.System as Subsystem, 
     Part.ID as PartID, 
     COALESCE(ServiceEntryPart.PartRevisionNumber,Part.RevisionNumber) AS PartRevisionNumber, 
     ServiceEntry.ServiceDateTime as Date, 
     from Part 
     inner join ServiceEntryPart on ServiceEntryPart.PartID = Part.ID 
     inner join ServiceEntry on ServiceEntry.ID = ServiceEntryPart.ServiceEntryID 
     inner join systemmodule on ServiceEntryPart.SystemModuleID = SystemModule.ID 
     inner join System on System.ID = SystemModule.SystemID 
     cross apply 
     dbo.SplitStrings_Moden(ServiceEntryPart.ServiceTypeIDs, N',') M2 
     JOIN dbo.SplitStrings_Moden('1', N',') P ON (M2.Item = P.Item or '1'IS NULL) 
     WHERE System.PlatformID = 2 and Part.Active = 1 
     and Part.ParentID > 0 AND Part.ID = 152970 

, RunLogs AS(  
     SELECT *  
     FROM @run_log r 
     WHERE NOT EXISTS (select * from toExclude e 
          where r.Instrument = e.Instrument 
          and r.Subsystem = e.Subsystem 
          -- continue for all identity columns 
-- use your CTE here, e.g. 
select * from RunLogs; 

您可以通過其他方法實現同樣的目的,例如,只需將WHERE NOT EXISTS或適當的聯接添加到您的主要查詢中即可。
