2011-04-25 68 views

GUI應顯示庫存中的所有物料,幷包括物料編號,產品名稱,庫存單位數量,每個單位的價格和價值該產品的庫存。另外,GUI應該顯示整個庫存的價值,附加屬性和補貨費用。所有美元值應顯示爲貨幣(即$ D,DDD.CC)。修改庫存程序以使用GUI


C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:162: class, interface, or enum expected 
import java.awt.BorderLayout; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:163: class, interface, or enum expected 
import java.awt.FlowLayout; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:164: class, interface, or enum expected 
import java.awt.GridLayout; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:165: class, interface, or enum expected 
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:166: class, interface, or enum expected 
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:167: class, interface, or enum expected 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:169: class, interface, or enum expected 
import javax.swing.BorderFactory; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:170: class, interface, or enum expected 
import javax.swing.JButton; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:171: class, interface, or enum expected 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:172: class, interface, or enum expected 
import javax.swing.JLabel; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:173: class, interface, or enum expected 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 
C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\My Documents\InventoryPart4.java:174: class, interface, or enum expected 
import javax.swing.JTextField; 
12 errors 

Tool completed with exit code 1 


* Represents a product. 
public class Television { 
    private int itemNumber; 
    private String productName; 
    private int unitsInStock; 
    private double price; 

    * Default constructor 
    public Television() { 

    * Handy constructor to initialize all attributes of the product. 
    public Television(int itemNumber, String productName, int unitsInStock, 
      double price) { 
     this.itemNumber = itemNumber; 
     this.productName = productName; 
     this.unitsInStock = unitsInStock; 
     this.price = price; 

    * @return The value of the inventory (the number of units in stock 
    *   multiplied by the price of each unit). 
    public double calculateInventory() { 
     return this.unitsInStock * this.price; 

    * @return the itemNumber 
    public int getItemNumber() { 
     return itemNumber; 

    * @return the product name 
    public String getProductName() { 
     return productName; 

    * @return the unitsInStock 
    public int getUnitsInStock() { 
     return unitsInStock; 

    * @return the price 
    public double getPrice() { 
     return price; 

    * @param itemNumber 
    *   the itemNumber to set 
    public void setItemNumber(int itemNumber) { 
     this.itemNumber = itemNumber; 

    * @param name 
    *   the product name to set 
    public void setName(String productName) { 
     this.productName = productName; 

    * @param unitsInStock 
    *   the unitsInStock to set 
    public void setUnitsInStock(int unitsInStock) { 
     this.unitsInStock = unitsInStock; 

    * @param price 
    *   the price to set 
    public void setPrice(double price) { 
     this.price = price; 

* This class should inherit from the Product class. Recall that the extends 
* keyword is used in java to represent inheritance 
public class Supplier extends Computer { 
    /** Supplier Name */ 
    private String supplierName; 

    * Constructor should have 5 parameters: 
    * - Item Number 
    * - Product Name 
    * - Number of Units in Stock 
    * - Price of each Unit 
    * - Supplier Name 
    public Supplier(int itemNumber, String productName, int unitsInStock, 
      double price, String supplierName) { 
     * Note you will use the super keyword to invoke the constructor in your 
     * Product class. 
     super(itemNumber, productName, unitsInStock, price); 
     this.supplierName = supplierName; 

    * This method returns the product of price and available units multiplied 
    * by 5% ((price * product) * .05); 
    public double calculateRestockFee() { 
     return super.calculateInventory() * .05; 

    * This method returns the product of price and available units plus the 
    * restock fee. 
    public double calculateInventory() { 
     return super.calculateInventory() + calculateRestockFee(); 

    * @return the supplierName 
    public String getSupplierName() { 
     return supplierName; 

    * @param supplierName 
    *   the supplierName to set 
    public void setSupplierName(String supplierName) { 
     this.supplierName = supplierName; 


import java.awt.BorderLayout; 
import java.awt.FlowLayout; 
import java.awt.GridLayout; 
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

import javax.swing.BorderFactory; 
import javax.swing.JButton; 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JLabel; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 
import javax.swing.JTextField; 

public class InventoryPart4 extends JFrame { 
    private static DecimalFormat currency = new DecimalFormat("$#,##0.00"); 

    // Declares the TextFields used to display the value of each attribute of 
    // the current product. 
    private JTextField itemNumberTF; 
    private JTextField productNameTF; 
    private JTextField unitsInStockTF; 
    private JTextField priceTF; 
    private JTextField supplierNameTF; 
    private JTextField restockFeeTF; 
    private JTextField valueOfInventoryTF; 

    // Declares a TextField to display the value of the entire inventory 
    private JTextField totalValueOfInventoryTF; 

    // Declare buttons to navigate through the products in the inventory 
    private JButton priorBT; 
    private JButton nextBT; 

    // This array holds all products in the inventory. 
    private Supplier[] products; 

    // Indicates the index of the product displayed onto the screen. 
    private int current = 0; 

    * Starts the application 
    * @param args 
    *   Not used by this application 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // Creates and displays the GUI 
     new InventoryPart4(); 

    * Creates a new instance of the GUI and displays the frame. 
    public InventoryPart4() { 
     super("Inventory Part 4"); 
     setSize(500, 300); 

     // Creates the array with 5 elements 
     products = new Supplier[5]; 

     // Creates some products 
     products[0] = new Supplier(0001, " Samsung UN46D6400",9,1599.99); 
     products[1] = new Supplier(0002, " Vizio XVT553SV",6,1299.00); 
     products[2] = new Supplier(0003, " Panasonic Viera TC-P50VT25",2,2079.99); 
     products[3] = new Supplier(0004, " Sony Bravia KDL-55EX720",8, 1889.99); 
     products[4] = new Supplier(0005, " LG Infinia 47LX9500",2,2099.00); 

     // Sorts products by name 

     // Creates the visual components 

     // Shows the GUI 

     // Displays the first product 

    private void createComponents() { 
     JPanel p = new JPanel(); 
     p.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
     p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); 

     p.add(createFieldsPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); 
     p.add(createButtonsPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); 


    private JPanel createButtonsPanel() { 
     JPanel p = new JPanel(); 
     p.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); 

     priorBT = new JButton("Prior"); 
     priorBT.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
       if (current > 0) { 

     nextBT = new JButton("Next"); 
     nextBT.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
       if (current < products.length - 1) { 

     return p; 

    * Updates the fields to reflect the current product. 
    protected void updateFields() { 
     Supplier s = products[current]; 



    private JPanel createFieldsPanel() { 
     JPanel p = new JPanel(); 
     p.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2, 5, 5)); 

     p.add(new JLabel("Item Number")); 
     itemNumberTF = new JTextField(); 

     p.add(new JLabel("Product Name")); 
     productNameTF = new JTextField(); 

     p.add(new JLabel("Units In Stock")); 
     unitsInStockTF = new JTextField(); 

     p.add(new JLabel("Unit Price")); 
     priceTF = new JTextField(); 

     p.add(new JLabel("Supplier Name")); 
     supplierNameTF = new JTextField(); 

     p.add(new JLabel("Restock Fee")); 
     restockFeeTF = new JTextField(); 

     p.add(new JLabel("Value Of Inventory")); 
     valueOfInventoryTF = new JTextField(); 

     p.add(new JLabel("")); 
     p.add(new JLabel("")); 

     p.add(new JLabel("Value Of The Entire Inventory")); 
     totalValueOfInventoryTF = new JTextField(); 

     return p; 

    * A method to calculate the value of the entire inventory. This method 
    * should take in an array of type Television and should 
    * traverse through all the elements of the array and calculate the 
    * inventory. 
    * @return The value of the entire inventory. 
    public double calculateInventory() { 
     double value = 0; 
     for (int i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { 
      value += products[i].calculateInventory(); 
     return value; 

    * Sorts the products by name, using the Bubble Sort algorithm. 

    public void sortArray() { 
     int n = products.length; // size; 
     boolean swapped; 
     do { 
      swapped = false; 
      for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { 
       String name1 = products[i].getProductName(); 
       String name2 = products[i + 1].getProductName(); 
       if (name1.compareToIgnoreCase(name2) > 0) { 
        // swap 
        Supplier temp = products[i]; 
        products[i] = products[i + 1]; 
        products[i + 1] = temp; 
        swapped = true; 
      n = n - 1; 
     } while (swapped); 

[在InventoryPart 2程序上工作的Java代碼可能重複,不知道我在做什麼錯誤?迫切需要幫助。](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5710317/java-code-working-on-inventorypart-2-program-have-no-idea-what-i-am-doing-wrong) – 2011-04-25 22:15:57



@Ben Torell的回答是部分正確的。進口必須在班級的頂部。不過,我假設這些並不都是在一個文件中。一旦我爲每個文件創建了一個.java文件(並生成了一個您留下的Computer類),我所看到的唯一剩下的問題是您的供應商數組中的構造函數調用缺少最後一個參數supplierName的參數。

編輯:好的,根據下面的評論,實際上還有幾個問題。電視中沒有定義每個get ...方法。所以對getItemNumber()等的呼叫也是無效的。如果你使用的是體面的IDE(比如說Eclipse),它會爲你生成這些。否則,在Television中定義這些方法,將缺少的參數添加到構造函數調用中,然後您應該是GTG。


給定Raven50提供的錯誤信息從第163行開始,它看起來像他們確實全部在一個文件中。我將代碼複製粘貼到我自己的編輯器中,並且行號完美匹配。很好的理解構造函數的參數 - 看起來Raven50在修復導入後會遇到這個錯誤。 – 2011-04-25 04:58:22


每個The.java文件都應該生成一個Television類,所以我不確定如何首先解決這個問題。這對我來說是全新的,並且很難完全理解java – Raven50 2011-04-25 05:01:00


@Ben Torell Ugh。難怪他會犯錯誤。這些天他們教孩子們的東西...... :) – 2011-04-25 05:03:52

