//XML File and Parsing
//XML document
$rss = simplexml_load_file($xmlfeed);
//Blog Dates
$blogdate = $rss->channel->item;
//Blog URLS
$blogurl = $rss->channel->item;
//Date Variables
//Original date format: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 22:00:08 +0000
$post_date = $date->pubDate;
//Original date format: September 26 2011
$todays_date = date("F j Y");
$timezone = new DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles');
//Format blog post dates into PDT
$date1 = new DateTime($post_date);
//Output date: September 26 2011
$post_date_final = $date1->format("F j Y");
//Format server date into PDT
$date2 = new DateTime($todays_date);
//Output date: September 26 2011
$todays_date_final = $date2->format("F j Y");
echo $post_date;
//Checking and Looping
//Looping through blog dates for a mtach
foreach ($blogdate as $date) {
//If dates match continue to gather URLs
if ($post_date_final == $todays_date_final) {
foreach ($blogurl as $url) {
$postone = $url->guid[0];
$posttwo = $url->guid[1];
$postthree = $url->guid[2];
$postfour = $url->guid[3];
$postfive = $url->guid[4];
$postsix = $url->guid[5];
$go = array($postone, $posttwo, $postthree, $postfour, $postfive, $postsix);
foreach ($go as $stop){
$html = file_get_contents($stop);
preg_match('/cd=\b[0-9]{8,15}\b/', $html, $match);
$regex_match = $match[0];
if (isset($regex_match)) {
echo $regex_match;
echo "no match";
echo "no match";
謝謝我看到了,並進行了更正,但我仍然「不匹配」。 – bammab
@bammab向我們顯示$ html變量的幾行,其中'cd = NUMBER'存在 – tttony