2017-11-04 142 views

我想了解信號量並且無法用給出的約束條件來解決問題。我正在使用6個線程的約束:0,1,2儘快完成工作; 3必須等待0和1; 4開始之前必須等待1和2; 5應該等待0和2.我決定使用switch語句來處理這個特定的問題,但似乎無法理解我出錯的地方。信號量的問題

#include <iostream> 
#include <sched.h> 
#include <time.h> 
#include <pthread.h> 
#include "sem.h" 
#include <cstdlib> 

#define THREAD_COUNT 6 

using namespace std; 

extern sim_semaphore create_sim_sem(int) ; 
extern void wait_sem (sim_semaphore) ; 
extern void signal_sem (sim_semaphore) ; 

pthread_mutex_t stdoutLock ; 

int thrds_finished ; 

// global sync variables 

sim_semaphore support_ready[THREAD_COUNT] ; 
sim_semaphore finished ; 

/* These are global variable to represent threads created 
    dynamically. */ 
pthread_t thr[THREAD_COUNT] ; 

/* This is included to facilitate adding random delays in the code 
    -- as a debugging aid. */ 
extern long random(void); 

int checking = 0 ; 

/* A data type - a struct (class) with an int field to represent 
    a thread ID. */ 
struct threadIdType 
int id ; 

void init() 

if (0!=pthread_mutex_init(&stdoutLock, NULL)) 
{ cout << "MUTEX INITIALIZATION FAILURE!" << endl ; 
exit(-1) ;} 

thrds_finished = 0 ; 

finished = create_sim_sem(0) ; 
int count ; 
for (count = 0; count < THREAD_COUNT ; count++) 
support_ready[count] = create_sim_sem(0) ; 

    /* This initializes a random number generator */ 
srandom(time((time_t *) 0)); 

void rand_delay(int max) 
int m_delay, j ; 
m_delay = (int) random()%max ; 
for (j=0; j<m_delay; j++) sched_yield(); 

void childMessage (int ID) 
pthread_mutex_lock(&stdoutLock) ; 
cout << "Child # " << ID 
    << " has completed its assignment.\n" ; 
pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdoutLock) ; 

void * child(void * idPtr) 

int me = ((threadIdType *) (idPtr))->id, temp ; 

rand_delay(100) ; 

    // wait constraints 
    case 0: break ; // thread 0 just 'goes' 
    case 1: break ; // thread 1 just 'goes' 
    case 2: break ; // thread 2 just 'goes' 
    case 3: wait_sem (support_ready[0]) ; 
      wait_sem (support_ready[1]) ; // thread 3 waits for both 0 and 1 
      break ; 
    case 4: wait_sem (support_ready[1]) ; 
      wait_sem (support_ready[2]) ; // thread 4 waits for both 1 and 2 
      break ; 
    case 5: wait_sem (support_ready[0]) ; 
      wait_sem (support_ready[2]) ; // thread 5 waits for both 0 and 2 
      break ; 
    default: pthread_mutex_lock(&stdoutLock) ; 
      cout << "\n\nBAD VALUE TO CASE STATMENT!!\n\n" ; 
      pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdoutLock) ; 
      exit (-1); break ; 

    rand_delay(1000) ; 

     /* Next increment thrds_finished - to keep track 
     of how many child processes have finished their 
     tasks. */ 

     /* Here put code you may need for protecting 
     thrds_finished. */ 

     /* This code increments thrds_finished in a way 
      that magnifies the problem if the critical section 
      problem is not solved correctly. Of course, 
      do not change this part of the code. */ 
    temp = thrds_finished ; 
    rand_delay(1000) ; 
    temp++ ; 
    rand_delay(1000) ; 
    thrds_finished = temp ; 

     /* Here put additional code you may need for protecting 
     thrds_finished. */ 

     /* Announce completion of the assignment. */ 
    childMessage(me) ; 

    case 0: signal_sem(support_ready[0]); 
      signal_sem(support_ready[0]); // thread 0 signals for threads 3 5 
      break ; 
    case 1: signal_sem(support_ready[1]) ; // thread 1 signals for 3 4 
      signal_sem(support_ready[1]) ; 
     break ; 
    case 2: signal_sem(support_ready[2]) ; // thread 2 signals for 4 5 
      signal_sem(support_ready[2]) ; 
    case 3: break; 
    case 4: break; 
    case 5: signal_sem (finished); break; // thread 5 signals to the mother 
    default: pthread_mutex_lock(&stdoutLock) ; 
      cout << "\n\nBAD VALUE TO CASE STATMENT!!\n\n" ; 
      pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdoutLock) ; 
      exit (-1); break ; 

    pthread_exit ((void *)0) ; 

    // spawn child threads and waits for them to finish 
    void mother() 
    int i; 

    threadIdType * idPtr ; 

    /* Create child threads numbered 1 through 8. */ 

    pthread_mutex_lock(&stdoutLock) ; 
    cout << "Mother Begins Spawning Threads.\n" << endl ; 
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdoutLock) ; 

    for (i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT ; i++) 
    idPtr = new threadIdType ; /* allocate memory for struct */ 
    idPtr->id = i ; /* records current index as the child's ID */ 

    if (0!=pthread_create(&thr[i], NULL, child, (void *) idPtr)) 
    { pthread_mutex_lock(&stdoutLock) ; /* 'error out' code here */ 
    cout << "THREAD CREATION FAILURE!" << endl ; 
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdoutLock) ; 
    exit(-1) ; } 

    if (0!=pthread_detach(thr[i])) 
    { pthread_mutex_lock(&stdoutLock) ;/* 'error out' code here */ 
    cout << "THREAD DETACHMENT FAILURE!" << endl ; 
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdoutLock) ; 
    exit(-1) ;} 

    rand_delay(3000) ; /* Simulate whatever may delay the mother thread */ 

    pthread_mutex_lock(&stdoutLock) ; 
    cout << "Mother Finishes Spawning Threads.\n" << endl ; 
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdoutLock) ; 

    /* Some synchronization code is needed here to make the mother 
    behave correctly - she is not supposed to exit until after 
    all the children have finished their tasks. */ 

    wait_sem (finished) ; 

pthread_mutex_lock(&stdoutLock) ; 
cout << "\nAll children have now reported that they finished.\n" ; 
cout << "The value of the thrds_finished counter is: " ; 
cout << thrds_finished << ".\n" ; 
if (thrds_finished != THREAD_COUNT) 
cout << "BAD COUNTER VALUE!! - Critical Section Problem Failure!!\n" ; 
cout << "Mother exiting ... \n\n" ; 
pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdoutLock) ; 
return ; 

int main() 

cout << "\nWelcome to The Child Thread Workplace!\n\n" ; 

/* This calls the function that performs initializations. */ 

    /* Execute the mother() function */ 

return 0 ; 




您使用的是C++ 11嗎?如果是的話我可以回答它 – DeepakKg


是的我相信這是使用C++ 11 – sippycup






我添加了我正在使用的代碼塊,並將查看您給我的信號建議 – sippycup


我的建議是讓每個子線程調用'signal_sem(finished)'完成後,讓母線在該信號量上等待適當的次數。然後它會知道所有線程都已完成。 –