2013-02-28 37 views


  • 我有兩個不同的工作簿中的數據,我需要將數據從一個選擇一些非連續的列在一個文件時,它在主副本每週生成並追加到現有數據中的特定列文件

  • 我收到一個新的文件中的每個results.data.xls星期命名,它包含具有可變記錄計數數據的5列 - 幾個星期,也可能是兩行,別人也可能是200+

  • 我希望能夠複製出現在列「B」('PRODUCT_FORMAT_CAPACITY'),列「在results.data.xls d」('CUSTOMER')和列‘E’(BILLTO_CUSTOMER_NUM),並將它添加到現有的數據中的類似名稱的列master.data.xls

  • 錄製宏沒有得到我很遠因爲我顯然無法理解需要追加數據 - 我已經看到VBA命令可以啓用這個功能,但我無法弄清楚如何修改簡單的記錄來讓它做我想做的事情





  • 我創建工作簿 'master.data.xls',並在其中,工作表 '組合拳'。你沒有提到你的工作表名字,所以我已經自己編寫了。我領導了三列'PRODUCT_FORMAT_CAPACITY','CUSTOMER'和'BILLTO_CUSTOMER_NUM',但沒有列B,D和E.我在這些列中放置了一些隨機數據。
  • 我創建了工作簿'results.data.xls',並在其中工作表'Week'。我領導了B,D和E'PRODUCT_FORMAT_CAPACITY','CUSTOMER'和'BILLTO_CUSTOMER_NUM'列。我在這些列中放置了一些隨機數據。
  • 我在單獨的工作簿中創建了宏。我更喜歡將宏放在單獨的工作簿中,以便用戶(1)不會對它們感到困擾,並且(2)不能更改它們。




' "Option Explicit" stops a mispelt name becoming a declaration. Without 
' "Option Explicit" the following will define a new variable Conut. Such 
' errors can be very difficult to find: 
' Dim Count As Long 
' Conut = Count + 1 
Option Explicit 

    ' Use constants for values that will not change during a run of the macro 
    ' particularly if you have to use them several times or if purpose of the 
    ' value is not obvious. "Cells(Row,2)" is a lot harder to understand than 
    ' "Cells(Row,ColResultProduct)". I have used WBkMasterName several times. 
    ' If the workbook is renamed, changing the constant declaration fixes the 
    ' problem. 
    Const ColResultProduct As Long = 2 
    Const ColBillToName As String = "BILLTO_CUSTOMER_NUM" 
    Const ColCustomerName As String = "CUSTOMER" 
    Const ColProductName As String = "PRODUCT_FORMAT_CAPACITY" 
    Const WBkMasterName As String = "master.data.xls" 
    Const WBkResultName As String = "results.data.xls" 
    Const WShtMasterName As String = "Combined" 
    Const WShtResultName As String = "Week" 

    ' My naming convention is ABC where A is the type (Col for column, WBk for 
    ' workbook, etc), B identifies the particular A (for example, for Col, B 
    ' identifies the worksheet) and C identifies which AB if there is more than 
    ' one (for ColMaster I have ColMasterProduct, ColMasterBillTo, ColMasterCrnt 
    ' (Crnt = Current), etc. You may not like my naming convention. Fine, pick 
    ' your own or, better still, agree one with colleagues. Conventions mean 
    ' you can look at the program you wrote twelve months ago or your colleague 
    ' wrote and understand the variables. 

    ' My comments tell you my objective or my reason for selecting method A and 
    ' not B. They do not explain VBA syntax. For example, once you know the 
    ' Workbooks.Open statement exists, it is easy to find an explanation of its 
    ' syntax within the VBA help or via an internet search, 

Sub Demo() 

    Dim ColMasterBillTo As Long 
    Dim ColMasterCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColMasterCustomer As Long 
    Dim ColMasterLast As Long 
    Dim ColMasterProduct As Long 
    Dim ColResultBillTo As Long 
    Dim ColResultCustomer As String 
    Dim CountMasterColFoundCrnt As Long 
    Dim CountMasterColFoundTotal As Long 
    Dim InxWBkCrnt As Long 
    Dim PathCrnt As String 
    Dim RngResult As Range 
    Dim RowMasterNext As Long 
    Dim RowResultLast As Long 
    Dim TempStg As String 
    Dim WBkMaster As Workbook 
    Dim WBkResult As Workbook 
    Dim WShtMaster As Worksheet 
    Dim WShtResult As Worksheet 

    ' ThisWorkbook identifies the workbook containing the macro. 
    ' I will assume the data workbooks are in the same folder as 
    ' the macro workbook. 
    PathCrnt = ThisWorkbook.Path 

    ' You do not want to run this macro when someone has the data workbooks open 
    ' so check for them being within the collection of open workbooks. 
    For InxWBkCrnt = 1 To Workbooks.Count 
    If Workbooks(InxWBkCrnt).Name = WBkMasterName Then 
     Call MsgBox("Please close workbook '" & WBkMasterName & _ 
            "' before running this macro.", vbOKOnly) 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    If Workbooks(InxWBkCrnt).Name = WBkResultName Then 
     Call MsgBox("Please close workbook '" & WBkResultName & _ 
            "' before running this macro.", vbOKOnly) 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    ' The next blocks of code check that the workbooks exist and contain the 
    ' expected worksheets with the expected columns. You may think that this 
    ' code is unnecessary and I hope you are right. However, if something is 
    ' wrong, do you want your macro to fail unexpectedly with a yellow statement 
    ' and an error message a programmer may find difficult to understand or 
    ' corrupt data because columns have moved or do you want the macro to close 
    ' tidily with an error message that the user understands? 

    ' "On Error Resume Next" Statement "On Error GoTo 0" switches off normal 
    ' error processing for "Statement". You can then check if "Statement" 
    ' has had the expected result. Some statements set Err.Number and 
    ' Err.Description if they fail but Workbooks.Open does not. 

    ' You can use Dir$() to check for the file existing but (1) I think the 
    ' approach below is marginally easier and (2) Dir$() checks for existence 
    ' not openability. 

    ' Try to open data workbooks. Report failure to the user. 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Workbooks.Open PathCrnt & "\" & WBkMasterName 
    On Error GoTo 0 

    If ActiveWorkbook.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then 
    Call MsgBox("I was unable to open workbook " & _ 
               WBkMasterName & "'.", vbOKOnly) 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 
    Set WBkMaster = ActiveWorkbook 

    On Error Resume Next 
    Workbooks.Open PathCrnt & "\" & WBkResultName 
    On Error GoTo 0 

    If ActiveWorkbook.Name = WBkMaster.Name Then 
    Call MsgBox("I was unable to open workbook '" & _ 
               WBkResultName & "'.", vbOKOnly) 
     ' Tidy up by closing open workbook and releasing resource 
     WBkMaster.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     Set WBkMaster = Nothing 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 
    Set WBkResult = ActiveWorkbook 

    ' Try to reference worksheets 
    With WBkMaster 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Set WShtMaster = .Worksheets(WShtMasterName) 
    On Error GoTo 0 
    If WShtMaster Is Nothing Then 
     Call MsgBox("Workbook '" & WBkMasterName & "' does not contain " & _ 
        "worksheet '" & WShtMasterName & "'.", vbOKOnly) 
     WBkMaster.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     WBkResult.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     Set WBkMaster = Nothing 
     Set WBkResult = Nothing 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    End With 

    With WBkResult 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Set WShtResult = .Worksheets(WShtResultName) 
    On Error GoTo 0 
    If WShtResult Is Nothing Then 
     Call MsgBox("Workbook '" & WBkResultName & "' does not contain " & _ 
        "worksheet '" & WShtResultName & "'.", vbOKOnly) 
     WBkMaster.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     WBkResult.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     Set WBkMaster = Nothing 
     Set WBkResult = Nothing 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    End With 

    With WShtResult 

    ' I have defined 'ColResultProduct' with a constant. That will be the best 
    ' approach unless you know to expect a particular type of change. 

    ' I use "Debug.Assert Boolean-expression" extensively during development. 
    ' In particular, I place "Debug.Assert False" above every alternative path 
    ' through my code. When I hit a "Debug.Assert False" during testing, I 
    ' comment it out. If any remain at the end of testing I know that either 
    ' my testing was not as thorough as it should be or I have allowed for 
    ' a situation that does not exist. Either way, the code needs review. 
    ' Leaving a "Debug.Assert" statement in code you release to users would be 
    ' very unprofessional. 
    Debug.Assert .Cells(1, ColResultProduct).Value = ColProductName 

    ' In a Cells object, the column can be a number or a letter. Use whichever 
    ' you prefer. I do not like statements like this buried in the code. This 
    ' should be a constant statement at the top of the module. 
    ColResultCustomer = "D" 

    If .Cells(1, ColResultCustomer).Value <> ColCustomerName Then 
     ' Note the use of property Address as an easy way of converting a VBA 
     ' style address to a user style address. Note also the use of Replace to 
     ' remove the dollar signs from "$D$1" to give "D1" 
     Call MsgBox("Cell " & Replace(.Cells(1, ColResultCustomer).Address, "$", "") _ 
      & " of worksheet '" & WShtResultName & "' of workbook '" & _ 
      WBkResultName & "' is not " & ColCustomerName & ".", vbOKOnly) 
     WBkMaster.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     WBkResult.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     Set WBkMaster = Nothing 
     Set WBkResult = Nothing 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    ColResultBillTo = 5   ' Again, this should be a constant 
    If .Cells(1, ColResultBillTo).Value <> ColBillToName Then 
     Call MsgBox("Cell " & Replace(.Cells(1, ColResultBillTo).Address, "$", "") _ 
      & " of worksheet '" & WShtResultName & "' of workbook '" & _ 
      WBkResultName & "' is not " & ColBillToName & ".", vbOKOnly) 
     WBkMaster.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     WBkResult.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     Set WBkMaster = Nothing 
     Set WBkResult = Nothing 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    End With 

    With WShtMaster 

    ' Do not consider anything like this code unless columns are moved 
    ' regularly. It is so easy to waste time preparing for situations that will 
    ' never occur. You could amend three constants many times more quickly than 
    ' you can get code like this debugged. I have code like this because I 
    ' have situations in which columns moving is likely to occur and I do 
    ' not want my diverse users coming back to me when it does. 

    ColMasterLast = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
    CountMasterColFoundTotal = 0 
    ColMasterBillTo = 0 
    ColMasterCustomer = 0 
    ColMasterProduct = 0 
    ' Look for the three headers and record their columns. Record 
    ' number of headers found. 
    For ColMasterCrnt = 1 To ColMasterLast 
     If .Cells(1, ColMasterCrnt).Value = ColBillToName Then 
     CountMasterColFoundTotal = CountMasterColFoundTotal + 1 
     ColMasterBillTo = ColMasterCrnt 
     ElseIf .Cells(1, ColMasterCrnt).Value = ColCustomerName Then 
     CountMasterColFoundTotal = CountMasterColFoundTotal + 1 
     ColMasterCustomer = ColMasterCrnt 
     ElseIf .Cells(1, ColMasterCrnt).Value = ColProductName Then 
     CountMasterColFoundTotal = CountMasterColFoundTotal + 1 
     ColMasterProduct = ColMasterCrnt 
     End If 
    If CountMasterColFoundTotal <> 3 Then 
     ' One or more column has not been found 
     CountMasterColFoundCrnt = 3 
     TempStg = "I cannot find column headings" 
     If ColMasterProduct = 0 Then 
     'Debug.Assert False 
     TempStg = TempStg & " " & ColProductName 
     CountMasterColFoundCrnt = CountMasterColFoundCrnt - 1 
     If CountMasterColFoundCrnt - 1 >= CountMasterColFoundTotal Then 
      'Debug.Assert False 
      TempStg = TempStg & " or" 
      'Debug.Assert False 
     End If 
     'Debug.Assert False 
     End If 
     If ColMasterCustomer = 0 Then 
     'Debug.Assert False 
     TempStg = TempStg & " " & ColCustomerName 
     CountMasterColFoundCrnt = CountMasterColFoundCrnt - 1 
     If CountMasterColFoundCrnt - 1 >= CountMasterColFoundTotal Then 
      'Debug.Assert False 
      TempStg = TempStg & " or" 
      Debug.Assert False 
     End If 
     'Debug.Assert False 
     End If 
     If ColMasterBillTo = 0 Then 
     'Debug.Assert False 
     TempStg = TempStg & " " & ColBillToName 
     'Debug.Assert False 
     End If 
     TempStg = TempStg & " in row 1 of worksheet '" & _ 
       WShtMasterName & "' of workbook '" & WBkMasterName & "'." 
     Call MsgBox(TempStg, vbOKOnly) 
     WBkMaster.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     WBkResult.Close SaveChanges:=False 
     Set WBkMaster = Nothing 
     Set WBkResult = Nothing 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    End With 

    ' If get here then both workbooks are as required. 

    ' Find last row of results worksheet and next row of master worksheet 
    ' Copy product column from results to master 
    With WShtResult 
    RowResultLast = .UsedRange.Row + .UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1 
    Set RngResult = .Range(.Cells(2, ColResultProduct), _ 
          .Cells(RowResultLast, ColResultProduct)) 
    End With 
    With WShtMaster 
    RowMasterNext = .UsedRange.Row + .UsedRange.Rows.Count 
    RngResult.Copy Destination:=.Cells(RowMasterNext, ColMasterProduct) 
    End With 

    ' Copy customer column from results to master 
    With WShtResult 
    Set RngResult = .Range(.Cells(2, ColResultCustomer), _ 
          .Cells(RowResultLast, ColResultCustomer)) 
    End With 
    With WShtMaster 
    RngResult.Copy Destination:=.Cells(RowMasterNext, ColMasterCustomer) 
    End With 

    ' Copy bill to column from results to master 
    With WShtResult 
    Set RngResult = .Range(.Cells(2, ColResultBillTo), _ 
          .Cells(RowResultLast, ColResultBillTo)) 
    End With 
    With WShtMaster 
    RngResult.Copy Destination:=.Cells(RowMasterNext, ColMasterBillTo) 
    End With 

    WBkMaster.Close SaveChanges:=True 
    WBkResult.Close SaveChanges:=False 

End Sub 