2013-12-11 57 views

即使聲明包含錯誤的行沒有標籤元素,我仍然會收到此錯誤?HTML輔助功能錯誤 - 標籤文本爲空?

3.3 Input Assistance: Help users avoid and correct mistakes. 

Success Criteria 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (A) 

Check 188: Label text is empty. 
Repair: Add text to the label element. 
Error Line 75, Column 6: 
<input class="subsubmit" type="reset" value="Reset" id="Reset"> 


<section id="subscribeEmail"> 
      <!--This section allows the user the option to subscribe to my blogs if they don't have an RRS feed. It only asks for a name and email address before sending it to my email address 
      where I can then store their email and add them to my CC every time I sent out a new bog post.--> 
       <h3>Never Miss a Post:</h3> 
       <form class="subscribe" action="mailto:[email protected]" method="post"> 
        <label for="sub-name">Enter Name: </label> 
         <input id="sub-name" title="name" class="sub" type="text" size="35" maxlength="40" placeholder="Full Name" required>   
        <label for="sub-email">Enter Email: </label>  
         <input id="sub-email" title="email" class="sub" type="text" size="35" maxlength="40" placeholder="Enter email to subscribe" required> 
        <input class="subsubmit" type="reset" value="Reset" id="Reset"> 
        <input class="subsubmit" type="submit" value="Send" id="Submit"> 




您應該指定哪個軟件正在發送消息以及行號是什麼。 –



使用的輔助功能測試工具有問題。它說你應該有一個重置按鈕的標籤,但是WCAG 2.0的子句H44:Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls明確指出,用於重置按鈕的標籤是而不是

另一方面,重置按鈕對於可訪問性和正常使用來說幾乎總是不好的。正如可用性專家Jakob Nielsen,writes:「如果幾乎所有重置按鈕都被移除,網絡將會變得更加快樂。這個按鈕幾乎不會幫助用戶,但經常會傷害他們。「


也可以通過指定元素的標題來消除該錯誤。例如: Terry