from sklearn import metrics,preprocessing,cross_validation
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import sklearn.linear_model as lm
import pandas as p
print "loading data.."
traindata = np.array(p.read_table('train.tsv')) #here is where I am unsure what to do
for each row in traindata
#run function to look up traffic webpage is getting, store this in a numpy array
Add a new column to traindata numpy array, append on the data in the array created into our "for each"
怎麼可以這樣一般實現,即使你只是使用檢索網絡流量「填充物」的方法? :)
Inputs and outputs :
Input : Numpy array of 26 columns.
We call a function on the value in the first column of each row, this function will return a number.
We append all these numbers into a numpy array with one column.
We append the Numpy array with 26 cols to the one made above to end up with a numpy array with 27 columns.
Output : Numpy array of 26 columns.
問題,要求我們建議或找到一個工具,庫或喜愛的異地資源是題外話了堆棧溢出,因爲他們傾向於吸引自以爲是的答案和垃圾郵件。相反,請描述問題以及到目前爲止解決問題所做的工作。 –
這裏有兩個截然不同的問題。請一次提出一個問題。 – msvalkon
@JanDvorak感謝您的信息!我現在已經解決了這個問題 - 工具是不重要的部分,我只需要一種方法來獲得數字:) –