2014-09-29 11 views

奇怪查詢錯誤我已經在谷歌大查詢服務執行一個查詢,與誤解的錯誤谷歌的BigQuery - 在github上時間軸表

Error: Field 'evt.repository_name' not found in table 'evt'.



select nname 
    from (
     select evt.repository_name nname, count(evt.payload_issue_id) issues_count 
     from [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] evt 
      where upper(repository_language)='JAVA' 
      AND evt.repository_name in (
       select name from (

        select evt1.repository_name name, count(evt1.payload_commit_id) commits_count 
        from [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] evt1 
        where upper(repository_language)='JAVA' 
        group by name 
        order by commits_count desc 
        limit 20 
      as foo2)  
    group by nname 
    order by issues_count desc 
    limit 20) as foo 




select nname 
    from (
     select repository_name as nname, count(payload_issue_id) as issues_count 
     from [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] as evt 
      where upper(repository_language)='JAVA' 
      AND repository_name in (
       select name from (

        select evt1.repository_name name, count(evt1.payload_commit_id) commits_count 
        from [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] evt1 
        where upper(repository_language)='JAVA' 
        group by name 
        order by commits_count desc 
        limit 20 
      as foo2)  
    group by nname 
    order by issues_count desc 
    limit 20) as foo