2012-01-23 15 views



  1. 創建網格表(如下所示),顏色相應的列,並正確標註的軸線。這是我最需要幫助的人。我最初的想法是將表中的數據保存在字典列表(或列表列表)中;數據結構可以保存一些關於哪些列被着色的元數據,然後我可以簡單地從該數據創建matplot圖 - 但是我沒有真正使用matplotlib進行任何繪圖,並且可以在入門時獲得一些幫助。

  2. 情節的符號(說「X」)與座標網格單元(行,列)

  3. 保存網格表爲圖片(這一個是容易的,我可以自己做)


matplotlib grid table





  1. x軸列標籤是字符串,而不是數字,它們是字符串標籤例如AB1,AB2,AB3等。此外,這些標籤是中點(即它們居中或位於x軸刻度之間 - 不在刻度本身上)

  2. 我需要在特定列中寫入符號例如,給定y軸值,我可能想在y軸值-1565.5的'AB2'列中寫入文本'foo'。

一旦我有這個,我相信我將能砍東西一起去比賽,我試圖寫 - 尤其是因爲我剛剛買了Matplotlib的副本Python開發。







from pylab import * 
import matplotlib 
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker 

# Setting minor ticker size to 0, globally. 
# Useful for our example, but may not be what 
# you want, always 
matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 0 

# Create a figure with just one subplot. 
# 111 means "1 row, 1 column, 1st subplot" 
fig = figure() 
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) 
# Set both X and Y limits so that matplotlib 
# don't determine it's own limits using the data 
ax.set_xlim(0, 800) 

# Fixes the major ticks to the places we want (one every hundred units) 
# and removes the labels for the majors: we're not using them! 
ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(range(0, 801, 100))) 
# Add minor tickers AND labels for them 
ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.FixedFormatter(['AB%d' % x for x in range(1, 9)])) 

ax.set_ylim(-2000,6500, auto = False) 
# And set the grid! 
ax.grid(True, linestyle='-') 

# common attributes for the bar plots 
bcommon = dict(
    height = [8500], # Height = 6500 - (-2000) 
    bottom = -2000, # Where to put the bottom of the plot (in Y) 
    width = 100)  # This is the width of each bar, itself 
         # determined by the distance between X ticks 

# Now, we create one separate bar plot pear colored column 
# Each bar is a rectangle specified by its bottom left corner 
# (left and bottom parameters), a width and a height. Also, in 
# your case, the color. Three of those parameters are fixed: height, 
# bottom and width; and we set them in the "bcommon" dictionary. 
# So, we call bar with those two parameters, plus an expansion of 
# the dictionary. 

# Note that both "left" and "height" are lists, not single values. 
# That's because each barplot could (potentially) have a number of 
# bars, each one with a left starting point, along with its height. 
# In this case, there's only one pair left-height per barplot. 
bars = [[600, 'blue'], 
     [700, 'orange']] 
for left, clr in bars: 
    bar([left], color=clr, **bcommon) 


+1爲片段!涼!。令我驚訝的是,這樣一個簡短的片段幾乎完全實現了我在我的第一個要求中所要做的事情!現在試着瞭解你寫的東西! ...呃,請你補充一些意見,所以像我這樣的凡人可以理解代碼:)謝謝! –


那裏。我也修改了線框圖,以便每個彩色列添加更少的代碼。 –


感謝您的評論!我已經設法稍微調整一下你的代碼,讓它更多地指向我希望它發生的方向。有幾件事情我仍然需要幫助 - 例如'中心'的文本標籤爲X軸(希望容易?)和寫在由(列名,Y值)指定的座標文本。請看我更新的問題。 –