public interface ICommandThatHasProduct
object GetProduct(int id);
public abstract class Command : ICommandThatHasProduct
// I want to be able to make the GetProduct method static
// so that calling code can safely call it
public static object GetProduct(int id)
// do stuff with id to get the product
public object Execute()
public abstract object CommandWillExecute();
public class Program
public Program(Type type, int productId)
if(type == ICommandThatHasProduct)
// Create the args
var args = object[1]{ productId };
// Invoke the GetProduct method and pass the args
var product = type.InvokeMethod("GetProduct", args);
//do stuff with product
throw new Execption("Cannot pass in a Command that does not implement ICommandHasProduct");
'static'方法並不真正適用於一般的面向對象的概念。 – 2012-01-17 03:15:05
有沒有靜態繼承,所以反射可能是唯一的方法 – BrokenGlass 2012-01-17 03:16:10
可能重複的[c#:繼承/接口靜態成員?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1128361/c-inherited-interface-static-member )事實上,幾乎所有的[這些問題](http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bc%23%5D+static+interface)已經解決了這個問題。 – 2012-01-17 03:26:11