2014-10-29 101 views


當我選擇1或2,然後甘願輸入一個無效的二進制或十進制數時,就會出現問題。此時,do-while循環成功重複。該程序將用戶輸入的另一個請求打印到cout,但是當用戶輸入輸入時,程序認爲在輸入任何內容之前控制檯中都有輸入。我相信這是緩衝區中whitespace/control個字符的問題,但我不確定如何解決它。我曾嘗試使用std::cin >> std::ws來清除任何離散的白色空間,但沒有運氣。

#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <limits> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <ctype.h> 

using std::cout; 
using std::cin; 
using std::endl; 
using std::numeric_limits; 
using std::max; 
using std::streamsize; 
using std::string; 

//int toDecimal; 

//true is is binary 
bool validateBinary(const string &binaryNumber){ 
    for(int i = 0; i < binaryNumber.length(); i++){ 
     if((binaryNumber[i] != 1) && (binaryNumber[i] != 0)){ 
      return false; 
    return true; 
//true if is decimal 
bool validateDecimal(){ 
    return cin; 

int main() { 
    int conversionType = 0; //we initialize conversionType to a default value of 0 to ensure the copiler it will always have a value 
    bool isBinary = false; 
    bool isDecimal = false; 
    string binaryNumberInput; 
    int decimalNumberInput; 

    do { 
     if(conversionType == 0){ 
     cout << "Enter 1 to convert binary to decimal," << endl; 
     cout << "2 to convert decimal to binary, " << endl; 
     cout << "or 3 to exit the program: "; 
     std::cin >> std::ws; //to clear any whitespace fron cin 
     cin >> conversionType; //upon a second iteration, this value is read in before a user input is given 

     if(!cin || (conversionType != 1 && conversionType != 2)){ 
      cout << "Incorrect input." << endl; 
      cin.clear(); //clear the fail bit 
      cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); //used to ignore not-numeric input 

     cout << "You have selected option " << conversionType << "." << endl; 

     if(conversionType == 1){ 
      cout << "Please enter a binary number: "; 
      cin >> binaryNumberInput; 
      isBinary = validateBinary(binaryNumberInput); 
       cout << "The numbered you entered is not a binary number!" << endl; 
       conversionType = 0; 

     if(conversionType == 2){ 
      cout << "Please enter a decimal number: "; 
      cin >> decimalNumberInput; 
      isDecimal = validateDecimal(); //true if succeeded, meaning is a number 
       cout << "The numbered you entered is not a decimal number!" << endl; 
       conversionType = 0; 
    while((conversionType != 1 && conversionType != 2) || (isBinary == isDecimal)); 

    return 0; 





#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <bitset> 
#include <climits> 
#include <limits> 

template<typename T> 
void get(T& value) 
    while (!(std::cin >> value)) { 
    std::cout << "Invalid input\n"; 
    std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); 

int main() 
    std::cout << "Enter 1 to convert binary to decimal,\n" << 
       "2 to convert decimal to binary\n"; 

    int option; 

    if (std::cin >> option) { 
    switch (option) { 
     case 1: { 
     std::bitset<CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned long long)> bits; 
     std::cout << bits.to_ullong() << '\n'; 

     case 2: { 
     unsigned long long i; 
     std::cout << std::bitset<CHAR_BIT * sizeof i>(i) << '\n'; 


謝謝,但對於這項任務,我們不允許使用任何轉換函數,否則這將是我的第一選擇。 – FluffyKittens 2014-10-29 04:15:19


@AdamJ在這種情況下,您仍然可以使用上面的通用邏輯來處理輸入錯誤。另外,下一次清楚說明,如果這是一項任務,您可以在問題中不能使用什麼。 – user657267 2014-10-29 04:16:23


我很感激這個幫助,但我真的只是在尋找答案,爲什麼我的代碼在循環重複時拒絕從cin讀取值。我想知道我自己的學習目的,而不僅僅是爲了爭奪任務。 – FluffyKittens 2014-10-29 04:32:21