class EntryPoint
static void Main()
//input an initial sequence of the trains to schedule
Console.Write("Input train permutation");
string inputLine = Console.ReadLine();
GenerateTrainOrder GTO = new GenerateTrainOrder();
GTO.InputSet = GTO.MakeCharArray(inputLine);
class GenerateTrainOrder
private int elementLevel = -1; // elements examined iterates immediately after the CalcPermutation initiates so we must set it equal -1 to start from 0
private int[] permutationValue = new int[0];
public int[,] Paths = new int[ParametersClass.timetableNumber, ParametersClass.trainsToSchedule];
private char[] inputSet;
public char[] InputSet
get { return inputSet; }
set { inputSet = value; }
private int permutationCount = 0;
public int PermutationCount
get { return permutationCount; }
set { permutationCount = value; }
//transform the input from the console to an array for later use
public char[] MakeCharArray(string InputString)
char[] charString = InputString.ToCharArray();
Array.Resize(ref permutationValue, charString.Length);
return charString;
public void CalcPermutation(int k)
permutationValue.SetValue(elementLevel, k);
//if we have gone through all the elements which exist in the set, output the results
if (elementLevel == ParametersClass.trainsToSchedule)
OutputPermutation(permutationValue); // output TrainOrder by passing the array with the permutation
//if there are elements which have not been allocated a place yet
for (int i = 0; i < ParametersClass.trainsToSchedule; i++)
//iterate until we come upon a slot in the array which has not been allocated an elements yet
if (permutationValue[i] == 0)
CalcPermutation(i); //rerun the code to allocate an element to the empty slot. the location of the empty slot is given as a parameter (this is how k increments)
permutationValue.SetValue(0, k);
private void OutputPermutation(int[] value)
int slot = 0;
foreach (int i in value)
Paths[permutationCount, slot] = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToString(inputSet.GetValue(i-1)));
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