AGREEMENTID FeedbackDate DispositionCode CollectorId
0003SBML00151 2017-08-22 08:00:00.000 PTP 1
0004SBHL00705 2017-08-22 08:20:00.000 BPTP 1
0007SBML01987 2017-08-22 09:10:00.000 SET 1
0026MSS00108 2017-08-22 07:50:00.000 PTP 2
0026MSS00108 2017-08-22 10:30:00.000 NC 2
0026MSS00108 2017-08-22 10:30:10.000 DL 2
0026MSS00108 2017-08-22 15:47:00.000 CB 2
0026MSS00108 2017-08-22 19:52:00.000 BPTP 2
Declare @T table
(AGREEMENTID varchar(50),
FeedbackDate varchar(50),
DispositionCode varchar(10),
[CollectorId] varchar(100)
Insert into @T
SELECT '0003SBML00151','2017-08-22 08:00:00.000','PTP','1' union all
SELECT '0004SBHL00705','2017-08-22 08:20:00.000','BPTP','1' union all
SELECT '0007SBML01987','2017-08-22 09:10:00.000','BPTP','1' union all
SELECT '0026MSS00108','2017-08-21 07:50:00.000','PTP','2' union all
SELECT '0026MSS00108','2017-08-21 10:30:00.000','NC','2' union all
SELECT '0026MSS00108','2017-08-21 10:30:10.000','DL' ,'2' union all
SELECT '0026MSS00108','2017-08-21 15:47:00.000','CB' ,'2' union all
SELECT '0026MSS00108','2017-08-21 19:52:00.000','BPTP','2'
;with HoursCte as
select 7 as Hrs
union all
select Hrs + 1
from HoursCte
where Hrs < 22
cte1 as(
,FeedbackTime = CONVERT(nvarchar,CAST(FeedbackDate as time),108)
FROM @T t1),
cte2 as(
Select *, FeedbackHrs = case when FeedbackTime between cast('07:00:00' as time) and cast('07:59:59' as time) then '7Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('08:00:00' as time) and cast('08:59:59' as time) then '8Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('09:00:00' as time) and cast('09:59:59' as time) then '9Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('10:00:00' as time) and cast('10:59:59' as time) then '10Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('11:00:00' as time) and cast('11:59:59' as time) then '11Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('12:00:00' as time) and cast('12:59:59' as time) then '12Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('13:00:00' as time) and cast('13:59:59' as time) then '13Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('14:00:00' as time) and cast('14:59:59' as time) then '14Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('15:00:00' as time) and cast('15:59:59' as time) then '15Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('16:00:00' as time) and cast('16:59:59' as time) then '16Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('17:00:00' as time) and cast('17:59:59' as time) then '17Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('18:00:00' as time) and cast('18:59:59' as time) then '18Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('19:00:00' as time) and cast('19:59:59' as time) then '19Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('20:00:00' as time) and cast('20:59:59' as time) then '20Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('21:00:00' as time) and cast('21:59:59' as time) then '21Hrs'
when FeedbackTime between cast('22:00:00' as time) and cast('22:59:59' as time) then '22Hrs'
From cte1)
,Hrs = CAST(Hrs as Varchar(4)) + 'Hrs'
From HoursCte h
Left join cte2 c2 on CAST(h.Hrs as Varchar(4)) + 'Hrs' = c2.FeedbackHrs
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