2013-11-22 58 views

當我嘗試設置場景建造者家中的Netbeans 7.4和目標/應用/ JavaFX的場景生成器2.0.app它扔我一個錯誤:JavaFX的場景生成器2.0的錯誤Netbeans中

Selected location /Applications/JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0.app does not represent a valid JavaFX Scene builder installation. 



如果你有看看bug,他們表示該解決方案在7.3 beta及更高版本中可用。


Selecting the JavaFX scene builder home directory throws following error: " does not represent a valid JavaFX Scene Builder installation."

This seems to caused by the names of the subdirectories inside the Scene Builder's root directory; 'app' and 'runtime' (version 1.1 of Scene Builder). When you change the names of those directories to 'bin' and 'lib' respectively, selecting the home directory works (but breaks Scene Builder executable ofcourse).

Only 'workaround' is simply using the Scene Builder outside of Netbeans.

This was tested using Scene Builder 1.1 and NB 7.2 + 7.3beta.


Fixed after 7.3 Beta1 and backported to 7.2.1 (now available at netbeans.org).

Either install 7.2.1 or update your 7.2 (you'll get the same set of patches).

請仔細閱讀these instructions看到,如果你已經安裝時的任何錯誤。


我在Debian上遇到了與NB 7.4和JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0相同的問題。



在Windows上,您必須使用NetBeans 7.4版,並使用JavaFX李宗紅建設者1.1。


它是如何工作的?你能否詳細解釋一下? – Rachcha


首先你要下載net-beans 7.4,然後下載scence builder 1.1然後在c盤安裝scence builder。並檢查淨豆。轉到工具 - >選項 - >選擇java選項卡 - >單擊javafx選項卡,然後檢查scence builder是否自動設置,否則請單擊瀏覽並調整scence builder路徑。 –


我知道。我的意思是要問**它是如何工作的?在建造者1.1和net-beans 7.4中它是如何工作的? – Rachcha


我仍然得到這個錯誤使用Netbeans 7.4,但我已經找到了一個解決辦法:

轉到您解壓縮/安裝現場Builder 2中的文件夾,然後重命名可執行文件爲「JavaFX的場景生成器1.1」



請注意,這不會在7.4中修復,他們在Netbeans 8中修補它並考慮關閉該案例。請參閱:[https:// netbeans。組織/ bugzilla的/ show_bug.cgi?ID = 238520](https://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=238520)。順便說一句,謝謝你的提示!鏈接('ln')確實解決了這個問題。 – Luc


SceneBuilder 2產生FXML compiant與Java 8

NetBeans 8具有對Java 8的官方支持,所以使用SceneBuilder 2與NetBeans 8+上的Java運行8+。

Oracle provides an official tutorial on the use of SceneBuilder 2 and NetBeans 8。按照教程來使它工作。

Configuring the Scene Builder Installation Location

If you did not install Scene Builder in the default installation location, use the following steps to let NetBeans IDE be aware of its location:

  1. From the IDE's Main menu, select Tools and choose Options.

    On the Mac OS platform, select NetBeans and choose Preferences from the Main menu.

  2. In the Options window, click Java and then the JavaFX tab.

  3. Specify the location of the Scene Builder installation folder and then click OK.