2012-12-07 63 views




{"links": [/* one or more links*/], "source": …, "target": …} 


相關:邁克·博斯托克用一個簡單的黑客來表示two parallel links between nodes,雖然這不容易擴展到更多的鏈接。


謝謝,這就是我正在尋找的! – Dong


因此,事實證明,d3 確實呈現節點之間的多個鏈接,它只是將它們繪製在另一個之上。我解決這個問題的方法是將鏈接繪製爲路徑(而不是線條)併爲每個路徑添加一條不同的曲線。這意味着每個鏈接對象都需要一些東西來區分它與其他源節點和目標節點相同。我的鏈接看起來是這樣的:

links: [ 
    {"source": 0,"target": 1,"count": 1}, 
    {"source": 1,"target": 2,"count": 1}, 
    {"source": 1,"target": 3,"count": 1}, 
    {"source": 1,"target": 4,"count": 1}, 

    // same source and target with greater count 
    {"source": 1,"target": 4,"count": 2}, 
    {"source": 1,"target": 4,"count": 3}, 
    {"source": 1,"target": 4,"count": 4} 


function tick() { 
    link.attr("d", function(d) { 
    var x1 = d.source.x, 
     y1 = d.source.y, 
     x2 = d.target.x, 
     y2 = d.target.y, 
     dx = x2 - x1, 
     dy = y2 - y1, 
     // Set dr to 0 for straight edges. 
     // Set dr to Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) for a simple curve. 
     // Assuming a simple curve, decrease dr to space curves. 
     // There's probably a better decay function that spaces things nice and evenly. 
     dr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) - Math.sqrt(300*(d.count-1)); 

    return "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + "A" + dr + "," + dr + " 0 0,1 " + x2 + "," + y2; 

    node.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; }); 
