2012-10-11 29 views



AnswerId SessionId QuestionId Answer 
13  AAA  1   A 
14  AAB2  2   A 
15  AAB2  2   B 




SessionId QuestionId QuestionContent NoofAnswers ReplyId QuestionMarks OptionId 
AAA  1   What is 2+2? 1   1  5    2 
AAC  1   3+3 and 4+4 ? 2   2  10   6 


QuestionContent Option Type Number of Answers Answer Number of Replies Number of Marks 
    What is 2+2? A-D   1     A  Single    5 
    3+3 and 4+4? A-H   2     AB  Multiple    5 


QuestionContent Option Type Number of Answers Answer Number of Replies Number of Marks 
    What is 2+2? A-D   1     A AB  Single    5 
    3+3 and 4+4? A-H   2     A AB  Multiple    5 




//connect to db 

    // Build the query 
    $questionquery = " 
SELECT DISTINCT q.QuestionContent, o.OptionType, q.NoofAnswers, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Answer SEPARATOR '') AS Answer, r.ReplyType, 
     q.QuestionMarks, q.SessionId 
    FROM Answer an 
    INNER JOIN Question q ON q.QuestionId = an.QuestionId and an.SessionId = q.SessionId 
    JOIN Reply r ON q.ReplyId = r.ReplyId 
    JOIN Option_Table o ON q.OptionId = o.OptionId 
     WHERE ".implode(" AND ", array_fill(0, $numTerms, "q.QuestionContent LIKE ?"))." 
     GROUP BY an.SessionId, an.QuestionId 
     ORDER BY ".implode(", ", array_fill(0, $numTerms, "IF(q.QuestionContent LIKE ?, 1, 0) DESC"))." 

    // Make the referenced array 
    $referencedArray = make_values_referenced(array_merge(
     array(str_repeat("ss", $numTerms)), // types 
     $termArray,       // where 
     $termArray       // order by 

    // Bind parameters 
    if (!call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), make_values_referenced($referencedArray))) { 
     die("Error binding parameters: $stmt->error"); 

    // This will hold the search results 
    $searchResults = array(); 
    $searchOption = array(); 
    $searchNoofAnswers = array(); 
    $searchAnswer = array(); 
    $searchReply = array(); 
    $searchMarks = array(); 

    // Fetch the results into an array 
    if (!$stmt->num_rows()) { 
     $stmt->bind_result($dbQuestionContent,$dbOptionType,$dbNoofAnswers,$dbAnswer,$dbReplyType,$dbQuestionMarks, $dbSessionId); 
     while ($stmt->fetch()) { 
     $searchResults[] = $dbQuestionContent; 
     $searchOption[] = $dbOptionType; 
     $searchNoofAnswers[] = $dbNoofAnswers; 
     $searchAnswer[] = $dbAnswer; 
     $searchReply[] = $dbReplyType; 
     $searchMarks[] = $dbQuestionMarks; 


     $questionnum = sizeof($searchResults); 

    // If $searchResults is not empty we got results 
    if (!empty($searchResults)) { 
     echo "<p>Your Search: '$inputValue'</p>"; 
     echo"<p>Number of Questions Shown from the Search: <strong>$questionnum</strong></p>"; 
     echo "<table border='1' id='resulttbl'> 
     <th class='questionth'>Question</th> 
     <th class='optiontypeth'>Option Type</th> 
     <th class='noofanswersth'>Number of <br/> Answers</th> 
     <th class='answerth'>Answer</th> 
     <th class='noofrepliesth'>Number of <br/> Replies</th> 
     <th class='noofmarksth'>Number of <br/> Marks</th> 
     $script = ''; 
     foreach ($searchResults as $key=>$question) { 
     $script .= 'var key_' . $key . '="' . str_replace('"','\"', $question) . '";' . PHP_EOL; 
     echo '<tr class="questiontd">'.PHP_EOL; 
     echo '<td>'.htmlspecialchars($question).'</td>' . PHP_EOL; 
     echo '<td class="optiontypetd">'.htmlspecialchars($searchOption[$key]).'</td>' . PHP_EOL; 
     echo '<td class="noofanswerstd">'.htmlspecialchars($searchNoofAnswers[$key]).'</td>' . PHP_EOL; 
     echo '<td class="answertd">'.htmlspecialchars(implode(' ', $searchAnswer)).'</td>' . PHP_EOL; 
     echo '<td class="noofrepliestd">'.htmlspecialchars($searchReply[$key]).'</td>' . PHP_EOL; 
     echo '<td class="noofmarkstd">'.htmlspecialchars($searchMarks[$key]).'</td>' . PHP_EOL; 
     echo "<td class='addtd'><button type='button' class='add' onclick=\"parent.addwindow(key_$key,'$searchMarks[$key]','$searchNoofAnswers[$key]','$searchOption[$key]','$searchReply[$key]','$searchAnswer[$key]');\">Add</button></td></tr>"; 
     echo "</table>" . PHP_EOL; 
     echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . PHP_EOL; 
     echo $script; 
     echo '</script>' . PHP_EOL; 







是的,你是對的,我不需要內爆$ searchAnswer。只需輸出$ searchAnswer [$ key]數組。謝謝 – user1701484
