2016-11-17 49 views








    <PROD_NAME><![CDATA[Test One]]></PROD_NAME> 
    <Description><![CDATA[ExcelMark 5-Line Large Return Address Stamp - Custom Self Inking Rubber Stamp]]></Description> 
    <Attributes><![CDATA[Custom Text Line 1 Text: This book was donated to CAEO Font: Arial 
       Custom Text Line 2 Text: In tribute to & memory of Font: Arial]]></Attributes> 
    <PROD_NAME><![CDATA[Test Two]]></PROD_NAME> 
    <Description><![CDATA[Self Inking Rubber Stamp with up To 4 Lines of Custom Text]]></Description> 
    <Attributes><![CDATA[Custom Text Line 1 Text: This book was donated to CAEO Font: Arial 
       Custom Text Line 2 Text: In tribute to & memory of Font: Arial]]></Attributes> 


public string PopulateStringBuilder(Order order, Template template) 
     var i = new StringBuilder(template.Description); 
     List<string> s = new List<string>(); 
     var reqID = order.OrderId; 

      foreach (var x in order.Items) 
       i.Replace("[[item_sku]]", x.SkuNumber); 
       i.Replace("[[item_product_name]]", x.ProductName); 
       i.Replace("[[item_name]]", x.Description); 
       i.Replace("[[item_attributes]]", x.Attributes); 
       i.Replace("[[item_qty]]", x.Quantity.ToString()); 
       i.Replace("[[item_price]]", x.UnitPrice.ToString()); 
       i.Replace("[[item_inkcolor]]", x.InkColor); 
       o.Replace("[[items]]", i.ToString()); 
     return o.ToString(); 




using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Xml; 
using System.Xml.Linq; 

namespace ConsoleApplication1 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      List<Item> items = new List<Item>() { 
       new Item() { 
        SKU = "7Z-BRPA-K79A", 
        PROD_NAME = "Test One", 
        Description = "ExcelMark 5-Line Large Return Address Stamp - Custom Self Inking Rubber Stamp", 
        Attributes = "Custom Text Line 1 Text: This book was donated to CAEO Font: Arial" + 
          " Custom Text Line 2 Text: In tribute to & memory of Font: Arial", 
        Quantity = 1, 
        UnitPrice = "$9.99", 
        InkColor = "Red" 
       new Item() { 
        SKU = "42A1848", 
        PROD_NAME = "Test Two", 
        Description = "Self Inking Rubber Stamp with up To 4 Lines of Custom Text", 
        Attributes = "Custom Text Line 1 Text: This book was donated to CAEO Font: Arial" + 
          " Custom Text Line 2 Text: In tribute to & memory of Font: Arial", 
        Quantity = 1, 
        UnitPrice = "$8.99", 
        InkColor = "Blue" 
      XElement xItems = new XElement("Items"); 

      foreach (Item item in items) 
       XElement xItem = new XElement("Item", new object[] { 
        new XElement("SKU", item.SKU), 
        new XElement("PROD_NAME", new XCData(item.PROD_NAME)), 
        new XElement("Description", new XCData(item.Description)), 
        new XElement("Attribute", new XCData(item.Attributes)), 
        new XElement("Quantity", item.Quantity), 
        new XElement("UnitPrice", new XCData(item.UnitPrice)), 
        new XElement("InkColor", item.InkColor) 
    public class Item 
     public string SKU { get; set; } 
     public string PROD_NAME { get; set; } 
     public string Description { get; set; } 
     public string Attributes { get; set; } 
     public int Quantity { get; set; } 
     public string UnitPrice { get; set; } 
     public string InkColor { get; set; } 

// <Item> 
// <SKU>7Z-BRPA-K79A</SKU> 
// <PROD_NAME><![CDATA[Test One]]></PROD_NAME> 
// <Description><![CDATA[ExcelMark 5-Line Large Return Address Stamp - Custom Self Inking Rubber Stamp]]></Description> 
// <Attributes><![CDATA[Custom Text Line 1 Text: This book was donated to CAEO Font: Arial 
//    Custom Text Line 2 Text: In tribute to & memory of Font: Arial]]></Attributes> 
// <Quantity>1</Quantity> 
// <UnitPrice><![CDATA[$9.99]]></UnitPrice> 
// <InkColor>Red</InkColor> 
// </Item> 
// <Item> 
// <SKU>42A1848</SKU> 
// <PROD_NAME><![CDATA[Test Two]]></PROD_NAME> 
// <Description><![CDATA[Self Inking Rubber Stamp with up To 4 Lines of Custom Text]]></Description> 
// <Attributes><![CDATA[Custom Text Line 1 Text: This book was donated to CAEO Font: Arial 
//    Custom Text Line 2 Text: In tribute to & memory of Font: Arial]]></Attributes> 
// <Quantity>1</Quantity> 
// <UnitPrice><![CDATA[$8.99]]></UnitPrice> 
// <InkColor>Blue</InkColor> 
// </Item> 