我試圖用spring AOP編寫攔截器。攔截器會發現請求URL是否爲書籤,如果是,將重定向到認證頁面。 代碼段:使用AOP-Spring攔截器的書籤標記重定向
公共對象調用(的MethodInvocation調用)拋出的Throwable { logger.entering(this.getClass()getSimpleName(), 「調用」,調用。);
Object result = null;
try {
// Logic to exclude the beans as per the list in the configuration.
boolean excluded = false;
for (String excludebean : excludedBeans) {
if (excludebean != null && excludebean.equalsIgnoreCase(invocation.getThis().getClass().getSimpleName())) {
excluded = true;
// If the Target Method is "toString", then set EXCLUDE to TRUE and process the request
if(excluded == false && invocation.getMethod().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("toString"))
excluded = true;
// if user session object is available, then process the request or
// else forward to the configured view.
if (excluded || getSessionHolder().getUserVO() != null) {
result = invocation.proceed();
else {
logger.logp(Level.INFO, this.getClass().getSimpleName(),
"invoke(MethodInvocation)", "User Object is "+ getSessionHolder().getUserVO()
+ ". So redirecting user to home page");
result = new ModelAndView("redirect:/security/authenticate.do");
catch (Throwable ex) {
throw ex;
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "invoke");
return result;
謝謝丹尼,我會試試這個。 – RVP
我試過這種方式,我在攔截器內部有一個調試點,但控制器永遠不會進入內部,我已將攔截器添加到中。我正在使用基於註解的url mapping.pls幫助。 –
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