protected static boolean isDifferent(int[] first, int width, int height) {
if (first==null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (mPrevious==null) return false;
if (first.length != mPrevious.length) return true;
if (mPreviousWidth != width || mPreviousHeight != height) return true;
int totDifferentPixels = 0;
int size = height * width;
int startHeight = height/4;
int endHeight = 3 * (height/4);
int startWidth = width/4;
int endWidth = 3 * (width/4);
int offSet = width/4;
Log.d("params", "start height " + startHeight + "end height " + endHeight + "start width " + startWidth + "end width " + endWidth);
Boolean offSetApplied;
for (int i = startHeight, ij=0; i < endHeight; i++) {
offSetApplied = false;
for (int j = startWidth; j < endWidth; j++, ij++) {
if (!offSetApplied){
offSetApplied = true;
ij = startHeight * width + offSet;
int pix = (0xff & ((int)first[ij]));
int otherPix = (0xff & ((int)mPrevious[ij]));
//Catch any pixels that are out of range
if (pix < 0) pix = 0;
if (pix > 255) pix = 255;
if (otherPix < 0) otherPix = 0;
if (otherPix > 255) otherPix = 255;
if (Math.abs(pix - otherPix) >= mPixelThreshold) {
//Paint different pixel red
//first[ij] = Color.RED;
if (totDifferentPixels <= 0) totDifferentPixels = 1;
//boolean different = totDifferentPixels > mThreshold;
int percent = 100/(size/totDifferentPixels);
//float percent = (float) totDifferentPixels/(float) size;
boolean different = percent > SENSITIVITY;
String output = "Number of different pixels: " + totDifferentPixels + "> " + percent + "%";
if (different) {
Log.e(TAG, output);
} else {
Log.d(TAG, output);
return different;
- 1. iOS移動偵測:移動偵測靈敏度級別
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- 6. .NET移動偵測不一致
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- 17. Joomla 1.5中的PHP移動偵測腳本
- 18. jquery調整窗口大小和移動偵測
- 19. WordPress的移動偵測插件,如果回聲問題
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- 21. Android - 是否可以偵測到微笑?
- 22. Android偵聽/檢測進入日誌
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- 24. 的Android libGDX移動物體和檢測
- 25. Flex移動偵聽事件<s:View>
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