2012-02-26 29 views


     <VENUE>City Name - Venue Name</VENUE> 
     <OTHER>Other stuff here</OTHER> 
     <VENUE>City Name - Venue Name</VENUE> 
     <OTHER>Other stuff here</OTHER> 
     <VENUE>City Name - Venue Name</VENUE> 
     <OTHER>Other stuff here</OTHER> 

     <VENUE>City Name - Venue Name</VENUE> 
     <OTHER>Other stuff here</OTHER> 
     <VENUE>City Name - Venue Name</VENUE> 
     <OTHER>Other stuff here</OTHER> 
     <VENUE>City Name - Venue Name</VENUE> 
     <OTHER>Other stuff here</OTHER> 


// Start function when DOM has completely loaded 

// Open the students.xml file 

    // Build an HTML string 
    myHTMLOutput = ''; 
    myHTMLOutput += '<div id="tours-container">'; 
    myHTMLOutput += '<img src="img/sep.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img>'; 

    // Run the function for each student tag in the XML file 
    $('TOUR',xml).each(function(i) { 
     //tourMonth = $(this).find("TOUR MONTH").text(); 
     tourNumber = $(this).find("NUMBER").text(); 
     tourVenue = $(this).find("VENUE").text(); 
     tourOther = $(this).find("OTHER").text(); 

     // Build row HTML data and store in string 
     mydata = BuildStudentHTML(tourNumber,tourVenue,tourOther); 
     myHTMLOutput = myHTMLOutput + mydata; 

    myHTMLOutput += '</div>'; 

    // Update the DIV called Content Area with the HTML string 

function BuildStudentHTML(tourNumber,tourVenue,tourOther){ 

// Build HTML string and return 
output = ''; 
output += '<ul id="tour-info-container">'; 
output += '<li id="tourNumber">'+ tourNumber + '</li>'; 
output += '<img src="img/sep.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img>'; 
output += '<li id="tourVenue">'+ tourVenue +'</li>'; 
output += '<img src="img/sep.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img>'; 
output += '<li id="tourOther">'+ tourOther +'</li>'; 
output += '</ul>'; 
return output; 


    ''s的融合越來越調用兩次。試着把它放在函數的最後,看看會發生什麼:'output + ='
      」。這可能會或可能無法解決您的問題。讓我知道事情的後續。 – rcplusplus 2012-02-26 22:39:51


      這是jquery,而不是javascript – 2012-02-26 22:42:55


      @rcplusplus不幸解決不了我的問題。 – Anks 2012-02-26 22:49:58



      您需要遍歷每個月,並在該循環內循環「巡視」。你也應該在循環內部使用「var」作爲你的變量,否則你將遇到問題 目前,你正在爲每個「TOUR」添加一個'ul',並且你也在重複不允許的ID。由於ID必須在頁面中唯一,因此請將您的ID更改爲課程。


      // Start function when DOM has completely loaded 
      $(document).ready(function() { 
          // Open the students.xml file 
          $.get("xml/tourinfo.xml", {}, function(xml) { 
           // Build an HTML string 
           var myHTMLOutput = ''; 
           myHTMLOutput += '<div id="tours-container">'; 
           myHTMLOutput += '<img src="img/sep.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img>'; 
           $('MONTH', xml).each(function(mIdx) { 
            myHTMLOutput += '<ul class="tour-info-container">'; 
            // Run the function for each student tag in the XML file 
            $('TOUR', xml).each(function(i) { 
             //tourMonth = $(this).find("TOUR MONTH").text(); 
             var tourNumber = $(this).find("NUMBER").text(); 
             var tourVenue = $(this).find("VENUE").text(); 
             var tourOther = $(this).find("OTHER").text(); 
             // Build row HTML data and store in string 
             var mydata = BuildStudentHTML(tourNumber, tourVenue, tourOther); 
             myHTMLOutput += myHTMLOutput + mydata; 
            myHTMLOutput += '</ul>'; 
           myHTMLOutput += '</div>'; 
      function BuildStudentHTML(tourNumber, tourVenue, tourOther) { 
          // Build HTML string and return 
          output = ''; 
          output += '<li class="tourNumber">' + tourNumber + '</li>'; 
          output += '<img src="img/sep.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img>'; 
          output += '<li class="tourVenue">' + tourVenue + '</li>'; 
          output += '<img src="img/sep.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img>'; 
          output += '<li class="tourOther">' + tourOther + '</li>'; 
          return output; 