我已經寫了一個遞歸實現,以找到某些特定的路徑給出了一些n * n矩陣,使用我在stackoverflow上找到的這個psuedocode。我已經構建兩個數組:遞歸函數不返回到直接調用者
- 路徑權重陣列保持該邊緣值在我們的圖形從一個頂點到另一個(細胞基質對相鄰小區中的矩陣)
- 鄰接陣列,用於在我們路徑中的每個索引重量陣列
// find paths of specific length from our starting cell 1,1
// when a path is found print it
// otherwise return?
function findPaths(adjMatrix, pathW_array, path, pathWeight, x, y, idx, curpath_idx){
// set curpath to the current path (an array with storing path weight values)
var curpath = path;
// tempArray with store pathW_array (set cell value to -1 if value has been added to curpath)
var tempArray = pathW_array;
// curValue retruns sum value of our curpath
if ((curValue(curpath) == pathWeight) && (Object.keys(curpath).length !=1)){
for(i = 0; i < Object.keys(curpath).length; i++){
}if(tempArray[x][y] == -1){
}if(curValue(curpath) > pathWeight){
// Did not return, add current cell value to curpath array
curpath[curpath_idx] = tempArray[x][y];
curpath_idx = curpath_idx + 1;
// set current cell value in tempArray to -1 because we've added it to current path (do not want to add same cell value multiple times)
tempArray[x][y] = -1;
// iterate until i = pathWeight -1
for(var i = 0; i < pathWeight; i++){
if(adjMatrix[idx][i] != -1){
// get pathW_array indices for next neighbor cell of current element
arrayIndices = neighbor_value(adjMatrix, tempArray, idx);
x = arrayIndices[0];
y = arrayIndices[1];
adjMatrix[idx][i] = -1;
idx = adjMatrix_idx(x,y);
// findpaths from the next cell in the matrix
findPaths(adjMatrix, tempArray, curpath, pathWeight, x, y, idx, curpath_idx);
curpath_idx = curpath -1;