2016-01-12 49 views

我有個客戶數據表,它的選擇列如下:的Oracle SQL - DENSE_RANK

Row_ID Client_ID Status_ID From_date   To_date 
    1  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:02 20/12/2007 18:07 
    2  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:02 20/12/2007 18:07 
    3  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:07 20/12/2007 18:50 
    4  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:50 21/12/2007 10:38 
    5  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:07 20/12/2007 18:50 
    6  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:50 21/12/2007 10:38 
    7  123456  4  21/12/2007 10:38 21/12/2007 16:39 
    8  789087  4  21/12/2007 10:38 21/12/2007 17:54 
    9  789087  4  21/12/2007 17:54 21/12/2007 18:32 
10  789087  4  21/12/2007 18:32 22/12/2007 06:48 
11  123456  5  21/12/2007 16:39 
12  789087  5  22/12/2007 06:48 22/12/2007 10:53 
13  789087  4  22/12/2007 10:53 22/12/2007 11:51 
14  789087  5  22/12/2007 11:51 


Row_ID Client_ID Status_ID From_date   To_date   Rank_ID 
    1  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:02 20/12/2007 18:07 1 
    5  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:07 20/12/2007 18:50 1 
    6  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:50 21/12/2007 10:38 1 
    7  123456  4  21/12/2007 10:38 21/12/2007 16:39 1 
11  123456  5  21/12/2007 16:39      2 
    2  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:02 20/12/2007 18:07 3 
    3  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:07 20/12/2007 18:50 3 
    4  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:50 21/12/2007 10:38 3 
    8  789087  4  21/12/2007 10:38 21/12/2007 17:54 3 
    9  789087  4  21/12/2007 17:54 21/12/2007 18:32 3 
10  789087  4  21/12/2007 18:32 22/12/2007 06:48 3 
12  789087  5  22/12/2007 06:48 22/12/2007 10:53 4 
13  789087  4  22/12/2007 10:53 22/12/2007 11:51 5 
14  789087  5  22/12/2007 11:51      6 


SELECT t1.*, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY t1.client_id, t1.status_id) rank_id 
FROM (SELECT c.client_ID, c.status_id, c.from_date, c.to_date 
     FROM client c 
     ORDER BY c.client_id, c.from_date) t1 
ORDER BY t1.client_id, t1.from_date 


Row_ID Client_ID Status_ID From_date   To_date   Rank_ID 
    1  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:02 20/12/2007 18:07 1 
    5  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:07 20/12/2007 18:50 1 
    6  123456  4  20/12/2007 18:50 21/12/2007 10:38 1 
    7  123456  4  21/12/2007 10:38 21/12/2007 16:39 1 
11  123456  5  21/12/2007 16:39      2 
    2  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:02 20/12/2007 18:07 3 
    3  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:07 20/12/2007 18:50 3 
    4  789087  4  20/12/2007 18:50 21/12/2007 10:38 3 
    8  789087  4  21/12/2007 10:38 21/12/2007 17:54 3 
    9  789087  4  21/12/2007 17:54 21/12/2007 18:32 3 
10  789087  4  21/12/2007 18:32 22/12/2007 06:48 3 
12  789087  5  22/12/2007 06:48 22/12/2007 10:53 4 
13  789087  4  22/12/2007 10:53 22/12/2007 11:51 3 
14  789087  5  22/12/2007 11:51      4 





我應該HAV e補充說,我對Oracle SQL相對較新,當然還有數百萬行到客戶端表和其他列。我剛剛顯示了一小段代碼 – user2948208


您可以使用http://sqlfiddle.com/上的數據準備測試表嗎?它可以幫助人們測試你的問題的解決方案。 – Dmitry




select client_ID, status_id, from_date, to_date, 
     sum(start_of_group) over (order by client_ID, from_date) + 1 rank 
    from (SELECT c.client_ID, c.status_id, c.from_date, c.to_date, 
       case when lag(c.client_ID, 1, c.client_ID) over (order by c.client_ID, c.from_date) = c.client_ID 
        and lag(c.status_id, 1, c.status_id) over (order by c.client_ID, c.from_date) = c.status_id 
        then 0 else 1 end start_of_group 
      FROM client c) 
order by client_ID, from_date 



感謝德米特里 - 我認爲這是我需要和喜歡的解決方案。的確很聰明 – user2948208



WITH dat as (
SELECT 1 row_id,  123456 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('20/12/2007 18:02','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('20/12/2007 18:07','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 2 row_id,  789087 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('20/12/2007 18:02','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('20/12/2007 18:07','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 3 row_id,  789087 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('20/12/2007 18:07','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('20/12/2007 18:50','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 4 row_id,  789087 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('20/12/2007 18:50','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('21/12/2007 10:38','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 5 row_id, 123456 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('20/12/2007 18:07','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('20/12/2007 18:50','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 6 row_id,  123456 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('20/12/2007 18:50','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('21/12/2007 10:38','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 7 row_id, 123456 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('21/12/2007 10:38','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('21/12/2007 16:39','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 8 row_id,  789087 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('21/12/2007 10:38','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('21/12/2007 17:54','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 9 row_id,  789087 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('21/12/2007 17:54','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('21/12/2007 18:32','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 10 row_id,  789087 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('21/12/2007 18:32','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('22/12/2007 06:48','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 11 row_id,  123456 client_id,  5 status,  to_date('21/12/2007 16:39','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, null from dual union all 
SELECT 12 row_id,  789087 client_id,  5 status,  to_date('22/12/2007 06:48','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('22/12/2007 10:53','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 13 row_id,  789087 client_id,  4 status,  to_date('22/12/2007 10:53','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, to_date('22/12/2007 11:51','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
SELECT 14 row_id,  789087 client_id,  5 status,  to_date('22/12/2007 11:51','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') frdate, null from dual) 
SELECT t1.*, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY t1.client_id, t1.chg_status) rank_id 
FROM (select client_id, status, prev_status, sum(case when nvl(prev_status,-1) != status then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by client_id order by frdate) chg_status, frdate, todate 
     from (
     SELECT c.client_ID 
      , c.status 
      , lag(status) over (partition by client_id order by frdate) as prev_status 
      , c.frdate 
      , c.todate 
     FROM dat c 
     ORDER BY c.client_id, c.frdate)) t1 
ORDER BY t1.client_id, t1.frdate 


123456, 4,  ,   1,   20/12/2007 6:02:00 PM, 20/12/2007 6:07:00 PM, 1 
123456, 4,  4,   1,   20/12/2007 6:07:00 PM, 20/12/2007 6:50:00 PM, 1 
123456, 4,  4,   1,   20/12/2007 6:50:00 PM, 21/12/2007 10:38:00 AM, 1 
123456, 4,  4,   1,   21/12/2007 10:38:00 AM, 21/12/2007 4:39:00 PM, 1 
123456, 5,  4,   2,   21/12/2007 4:39:00 PM,,      2 
789087, 4,  ,   1,   20/12/2007 6:02:00 PM,20/12/2007 6:07:00 PM, 3 
789087, 4,  4,   1,   20/12/2007 6:07:00 PM,20/12/2007 6:50:00 PM, 3 
789087, 4,  4,   1,   20/12/2007 6:50:00 PM, 21/12/2007 10:38:00 AM, 3 
789087, 4,  4,   1,   21/12/2007 10:38:00 AM, 21/12/2007 5:54:00 PM, 3 
789087, 4,  4,   1,   21/12/2007 5:54:00 PM, 21/12/2007 6:32:00 PM, 3 
789087, 4,  4,   1,   21/12/2007 6:32:00 PM,22/12/2007 6:48:00 AM, 3 
789087, 5,  4,   2,   22/12/2007 6:48:00 AM, 22/12/2007 10:53:00 AM, 4 
789087, 4,  5,   3,   22/12/2007 10:53:00 AM, 22/12/2007 11:51:00 AM, 5 
789087, 5,  4,   4,   22/12/2007 11:51:00 AM,,      6 

簡單的標記所有的狀態變化與1(列GRP下面)。 比使用解析SUM函數添加那些號碼:

with tab1 as (
select client_id,from_date, status, 
nvl(lag(status) over (partition by client_id order by from_date),-1) status_lag, 
case when (nvl(lag(status) over (partition by client_id order by from_date),-1) <> status) then 
1 end grp 
from tst 
, tab2 as (
select client_id,from_date, status,status_lag, grp, 
sum(grp) over (partition by client_id order by from_date) as RANK 
from tab1 
select * from tab2; 


---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
     1001 01.10.2015 00:00:00   1   -1   1   1 
     1001 02.10.2015 00:00:00   1   1      1 
     1001 03.10.2015 00:00:00   2   1   1   2 
     1001 04.10.2015 00:00:00   2   2      2 
     1001 05.10.2015 00:00:00   3   2   1   3 
     1001 09.10.2015 00:00:00   1   3   1   4 
     1002 12.10.2015 00:00:00   1   -1   1   1 
     1002 13.10.2015 00:00:00   3   1   1   2 
     1002 15.10.2015 00:00:00   3   3      2 


create table tst 
(client_id number, 
from_date date, 
status number); 

insert into tst values (1001, to_date('01-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),1); 
insert into tst values (1001, to_date('02-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),1); 
insert into tst values (1001, to_date('03-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),2); 
insert into tst values (1001, to_date('04-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),2); 
insert into tst values (1001, to_date('05-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),3); 
insert into tst values (1001, to_date('09-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),1); 
insert into tst values (1002, to_date('12-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),1); 
insert into tst values (1002, to_date('13-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),3); 
insert into tst values (1002, to_date('15-10-15','dd-mm-rr'),3); 


with client as (select 1 row_id, 123456 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('20/12/2007 18:02','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('20/12/2007 18:07','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 2 row_id, 789087 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('20/12/2007 18:02','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('20/12/2007 18:07','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 3 row_id, 789087 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('20/12/2007 18:07','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('20/12/2007 18:50','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 4 row_id, 789087 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('20/12/2007 18:50','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('21/12/2007 10:38','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 5 row_id, 123456 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('20/12/2007 18:07','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('20/12/2007 18:50','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 6 row_id, 123456 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('20/12/2007 18:50','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('21/12/2007 10:38','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 7 row_id, 123456 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('21/12/2007 10:38','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('21/12/2007 16:39','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 8 row_id, 789087 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('21/12/2007 10:38','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('21/12/2007 17:54','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 9 row_id, 789087 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('21/12/2007 17:54','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('21/12/2007 18:32','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 10 row_id, 789087 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('21/12/2007 18:32','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('22/12/2007 06:48','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 11 row_id, 123456 client_id, 5 status_id, to_date('21/12/2007 16:39','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, null from dual union all 
       select 12 row_id, 789087 client_id, 5 status_id, to_date('22/12/2007 06:48','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('22/12/2007 10:53','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 13 row_id, 789087 client_id, 4 status_id, to_date('22/12/2007 10:53','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, to_date('22/12/2007 11:51','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') todate from dual union all 
       select 14 row_id, 789087 client_id, 5 status_id, to_date('22/12/2007 11:51','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') from_date, null from dual) 
select row_id, 
     dense_rank() over (order by client_id, status_id, grp) rank_id 
from (select row_id, 
       row_number() over (order by client_id, from_date) - row_number() over (partition by status_id order by client_id, from_date) grp -- this is the tabibitosan step 
     from client) t1 
order by client_id, from_date, status_id; 

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- 
     1  123456   4 20/12/2007 06:02 20/12/2007 06:07   1 
     5  123456   4 20/12/2007 06:07 20/12/2007 06:50   1 
     6  123456   4 20/12/2007 06:50 21/12/2007 10:38   1 
     7  123456   4 21/12/2007 10:38 21/12/2007 04:39   1 
     11  123456   5 21/12/2007 04:39       2 
     2  789087   4 20/12/2007 06:02 20/12/2007 06:07   3 
     3  789087   4 20/12/2007 06:07 20/12/2007 06:50   3 
     4  789087   4 20/12/2007 06:50 21/12/2007 10:38   3 
     8  789087   4 21/12/2007 10:38 21/12/2007 05:54   3 
     9  789087   4 21/12/2007 05:54 21/12/2007 06:32   3 
     10  789087   4 21/12/2007 06:32 22/12/2007 06:48   3 
     12  789087   5 22/12/2007 06:48 22/12/2007 10:53   5 
     13  789087   4 22/12/2007 10:53 22/12/2007 11:51   4 
     14  789087   5 22/12/2007 11:51       6