我有一個GAFE帳戶,但我需要使用我網站的登錄頁面作爲社交網絡登錄。 如何將Google Apps for Education登錄集成到ASP.NET MVC項目中?Integrarate Google Apps for Education with asp.net MVC
源代碼 https://github.com/DotNetOpenAuth/DotNetOpenAuth
這裏樣品 http://sourceforge.net/projects/dnoa/files/latest/download
我在問如何整合Google App for eduction。不是gamil或fb – 2014-11-04 12:16:18
- 1. Google Apps腳本和共享聯繫人訪問Google Apps for Education
- 2. Html with Google apps script。
- 3. 由Google Apps for Education遷移接管的個人.edu Google Apps帳戶會發生什麼變化?
- 4. Google Apps Auth with edu.au域名
- 5. Google Apps Marketplace API customerLicense with OAuth2
- 6. Google Chart HtmlHelper for Asp.net Mvc
- 7. ASP.Net MVC的OAuthWebSecurity for Google
- 8. Google雲端平臺的Google Apps for Work是否屬於Google Apps for Work?
- 9. Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook 2013
- 10. Google Voice API for web apps?
- 11. Google Drive for Education在教育應用程序域中
- 12. setStyleAttribute position fixed in ie 9 with google apps script
- 13. Asp.Net MVC 4使用oAuth2 for google
- 14. Google analytics for mobile combined with website
- 15. Html.RadioButtonFor for asp.net mvc
- 16. Job Scheduler with asp.net mvc
- 17. MVC for ASP.net Webform
- 18. 新的Google Apps for Business信息中心
- 19. getThreads()for Gmail在Google Apps中返回NULL
- 20. 谷歌Google Apps for Offline Demo的指示
- 21. asp.net mvc display header with header
- 22. jQuery Sortable .toArray with ASP.NET MVC ActionResult
- 23. Ninject with ASP.Net webforms和MVC
- 24. Google Checkout ASP.Net MVC
- 25. asp.net mvc radioButtonFor for forEnd
- 26. urlopen with beautifulsoup for loop
- 27. Google Analytics for Single Page Application with#views
- 28. Google Apps和檢索Google Plus用戶ID
- 29. 使用Gmail(Google Apps)的ASP.NET 4.0郵件
- 30. Telerik MVC Grid for 40 tables with WCF limits
查找到的OAuth和OpenID - 谷歌有一個OpenID提供商,所以你大概可以使用GAFE帳戶以獲得一個OpenID令牌並以此登錄。 – 2014-11-04 11:46:25