2016-03-31 67 views



 public void writeExcelFile(SPpowerPlant powerPlant, string sqlServer, string database) 

      //Path to template 
      String tenplate = @"C:\Users\AAN\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\PowerPlants\Powerplants\bin\Debug\PROJEKTSTATUS_GESAMT_neues_Layout_template.xlsm"; 

      //open Excel (programm) 
      Excel.Application excelApplication = new Excel.Application(); 

#if DEBUG 
      excelApplication.Visible = true; 
      excelApplication.DisplayAlerts = true; 
       excelApplication.Visible = false; 
       excelApplication.DisplayAlerts = false; 

      //Open a Excel File 
      Excel.Workbook excelWorkbook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Add(tenplate); 
      Excel._Worksheet excelSheet = excelWorkbook.ActiveSheet; 
      SPpowerPlantList powerPlantList = loadProjectsAndComponentsFromSqlServer(sqlServer, database, Convert.ToDateTime(powerPlant.timestamp), powerPlant.note); 

      //Lists for the Excel Sheet 
      List<String> projectName = new List<String>(); //1 
      List<String> phase = new List<String>();  //2 
      List<String> countryshort = new List<String>(); //3 
      List<double> projectShareWeb = new List<double>(); //4 
      List<double> mwWeb = new List<double>();  //5 
      List<double> projectProgress = new List<double>(); //6 
      List<double> mwDeveloped = new List<double>(); //7 
      List<double> yearlyYieldOfWholeProject = new List<double>(); //8 
      List<double> capexWholeProject = new List<double>(); //9 
      List<double> equityAmount = new List<double>(); //10 
      List<double> equityIrr = new List<double>(); //11 
      List<String> cod = new List<String>();  //12 
      List<String> projectmanager = new List<string>(); //13 
      List<String> changes = new List<string>(); //14 
      List<String> technology = new List<string>(); //15 
      List<String> countrylong = new List<string>(); //16 
      List<String> state = new List<string>(); //17 

      //to get the values into the lists from a powerplant 
      foreach (SPpowerPlant powerPlantItem in powerPlantList) 

       if (powerPlantItem.phase == "Phase 6") 
        ////Format the Header row to make it Bold and blue 
        excelSheet.get_Range("B4", "O4").Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red); 
        //excelSheet.get_Range("A1", "B1").Font.Bold = true; 

       projectName.Add(powerPlantItem.projectName); //1 
       phase.Add(powerPlantItem.phase); //2 
       countryshort.Add(powerPlantItem.country); //3 
       projectShareWeb.Add(powerPlantItem.projectShareWeb); //4 
       mwWeb.Add(powerPlantItem.mwWeb); //5 
       projectProgress.Add(powerPlantItem.projectProgress); //6 
       mwDeveloped.Add(powerPlantItem.mwDeveloped); //7 
       foreach (SPeconomicIndicator economicIndicatoritem in powerPlantItem.economicIndicators) 
        yearlyYieldOfWholeProject.Add(economicIndicatoritem.yearlyYieldOfWholeProject); //8 
        capexWholeProject.Add(economicIndicatoritem.capexWholeProject); //9 
        equityAmount.Add(economicIndicatoritem.equityAmount); //10 
        equityIrr.Add(economicIndicatoritem.equityIrr); //11 
       cod.Add(powerPlantItem.cod.Value.Year.ToString()); //12 
       projectmanager.Add(powerPlantItem.projectManager); //13 
       changes.Add("???"); //14 
       technology.Add(powerPlantItem.technology); //15 
       countrylong.Add(powerPlantItem.country); //16 
       state.Add(powerPlantItem.state); //17 


      //adding it to the excel sheet 
      int i = 0; 
      for (i = 0; i < powerPlantList.Count; i++) 

       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 2] = projectName[i]; //1 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 3] = phase[i]; //2 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 4] = countryshort[i]; //3 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 5] = projectShareWeb[i]; //4 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 6] = mwWeb[i]; //5 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 7] = projectProgress[i]; //6 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 8] = mwDeveloped[i]; //7 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 9] = yearlyYieldOfWholeProject[i]; //8 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 10] = capexWholeProject[i]; //9 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 11] = equityAmount[i]; //10 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 12] = equityIrr[i]; //11 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 13] = cod[i]; //12 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 14] = projectmanager[i]; //13 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 15] = changes[i]; //14; 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 16] = technology[i]; //15 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 17] = countrylong[i]; //16 
       excelSheet.Cells[i + 4, 18] = state[i]; //17 


      //Save the excel workbook under a different name 
      excelWorkbook.SaveAs(@"C:\Users\AAN\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\PowerPlants\Powerplants\bin\Debug\PROJEKTSTATUS_GESAMT_neues_Layout.xlsm", Excel.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); 










List<string> powerPlantList = new List<string> 
     "phase 6", 
     "phase 6" 

    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application Excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); 
    Excel.Visible = true; 
    Workbook wkbk = Excel.Workbooks.Add(); 
    Worksheet sheet = wkbk.ActiveSheet; 

    int initialRow = 4; 
    for (int i = 0; i < powerPlantList.Count; i++) 
     string s = powerPlantList[i]; 
     string row = (i+ initialRow).ToString(); 
     if (s.Equals("phase 6")) 
      sheet.get_Range("B" + row, "O"+row).Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red); 
     // This is where you assign the color to the current row range 

     sheet.Cells[i + initialRow, 4] = s; 




thx爲您的答案這個作品真的很棒,我用SPowerPlant試了一下,但沒有讓我工作,但它的劑量問題,因爲我試圖在Excel中得到更好的C#與Excel。所以它對我的工作場所不會有壞處,因爲他們永遠不會看到這一點。 – opelhatza