2014-11-01 87 views


let x = (0..<10).splitEvery(3) 
XCTAssertEqual(x, [(0...2),(3...5),(6...8),(9)], "implementation broken") 



extension Range 
    func splitEvery(nInEach: Int) -> [Range] 
     let n = self.endIndex - self.startIndex // ERROR - cannot invoke '-' with an argument list of type (T,T) 



值的範圍是ForwardIndexType,所以你只能他們advance(), 或計算distance(),但是沒有定義減法-。提前金額必須是相應的 類型T.Distance。因此,這將是一個可能的實現:

extension Range { 
    func splitEvery(nInEach: T.Distance) -> [Range] { 
     var result = [Range]() // Start with empty array 
     var from = self.startIndex 
     while from != self.endIndex { 
      // Advance position, but not beyond the end index: 
      let to = advance(from, nInEach, self.endIndex) 
      result.append(from ..< to) 
      // Continue with next interval: 
      from = to 
     return result 


println((0 ..< 10).splitEvery(3)) 
// Output: [0..<3, 3..<6, 6..<9, 9..<10] 

注意0 ..< 10不是整數的列表(或陣列)。要分割陣列成子陣列可以定義一個類似的延伸:

extension Array { 
    func splitEvery(nInEach: Int) -> [[T]] { 
     var result = [[T]]() 
     for from in stride(from: 0, to: self.count, by: nInEach) { 
      let to = advance(from, nInEach, self.count) 
      result.append(Array(self[from ..< to])) 
     return result 


println([1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13].splitEvery(3)) 
// Output: [[1, 1, 2], [3, 5, 8], [13]] 

更一般的方法可以是分割所有可切片對象。但是Sliceable協議和協議不能被擴展。你可以做什麼,而不是是 定義功能,是以可切片的對象作爲第一個參數:

func splitEvery<S : Sliceable>(seq : S, nInEach : S.Index.Distance) -> [S.SubSlice] { 
    var result : [S.SubSlice] = [] 

    var from = seq.startIndex 
    while from != seq.endIndex { 
     let to = advance(from, nInEach, seq.endIndex) 
     result.append(seq[from ..< to]) 
     from = to 
    return result 

(請注意,這功能是完全無關的(擴展)方法 定義上文)


println(splitEvery("abcdefg", 2)) 
// Output: [ab, cd, ef, g] 
println(splitEvery([3.1, 4.1, 5.9, 2.6, 5.3], 2)) 
// Output: [[3.1, 4.1], [5.9, 2.6], [5.3]] 

範圍一再沒有可切片,但你可以定義一個單獨的函數,它接受一個 範圍的說法:

func splitEvery<T>(range : Range<T>, nInEach : T.Distance) -> [Range<T>] { 
    var result : [Range<T>] = [] 

    var from = range.startIndex 
    while from != range.endIndex { 
     let to = advance(from, nInEach, range.endIndex) 
     result.append(from ..< to) 
     from = to 
    return result 


println(splitEvery(0 ..< 10, 3)) 
// Output: [0..<3, 3..<6, 6..<9, 9..<10] 

太棒了 - 一個通用的實現! – kfmfe04 2014-11-01 19:21:22


奇怪的是,這在Playground中完美地工作,但我有問題讓它在一個項目中編譯 - 我在這裏發佈了一個新條目:http://stackoverflow.com/q/26694296/975129 – kfmfe04 2014-11-01 23:20:35


@ kfmfe04:我有稍微擴大了答案。如果您需要更多信息,請與我們聯繫。 – 2014-11-02 09:58:27