2014-03-30 91 views



public int findPrim(int[][] matrix) { 

    ArrayList <Integer> checkThese = new ArrayList < >(); 
    checkThese.add(0); //Starting vertex. 
    boolean[] checked = new boolean[graph.vertexCount()]; 
    int w = 0; 
    int column = 0; 
    int row = 0; 
    int smallest = 0; 

    for (Iterator <Integer> it = checkThese.Iterator(); it.hasNext();) { 

    smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 
    for (int k = 0; k < graph.vertexCount(); k++) { 

     if ((matrix[r][k] < smallest) && matrix[r][k] != 0 && !checked[k - 1]) { 
     smallest = matrix[r][k]; 
     column = k; 

    if (smallest != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { 
     w += smallest; 
     checked[column] = true; 

    return w; 



A B C D E 
A 0 4 2 8 0 
B 0 0 5 6 7 
C 0 0 0 9 3 
D 0 0 0 0 1 
E 0 0 0 0 0 





let n be the number of vertices 
initialize cost <- 0 
initialize checkThese <- [0] 
initialize checked <- [true, false, ..., false] (length n) 
repeat n - 1 times (alternatively, test for termination as indicated) 
    smallest <- infinity 
    argSmallest <- null 
    for v in checkThese 
     for w from 0 to n - 1 
      let cost = matrix[min(v, w)][max(v, w)] 
      if not checked[w] and cost < smallest then 
       smallest <- cost 
       argSmallest <- w 
      end if 
     end for 
    end for 
    (break here if argSmallest is null) 
    cost <- cost + smallest 
    add argSmallest to checkThese 
    checked[argSmallest] <- true 
end repeat 


let n be the number of vertices 
initialize cost <- 0 
initialize checked <- [true, false, ..., false] (length n) 
initialize minCost <- [0, infinity, ..., infinity] (length n) 
repeat n - 1 times (alternatively, test for termination as indicated) 
    smallest <- infinity 
    argSmallest <- null 
    for w from 0 to n - 1 
     if not checked[w] and minCost[w] < smallest then 
      smallest <- minCost[w] 
      argSmallest <- w 
     end if 
    end for 
    (break here if argSmallest is null) 
    cost <- cost + smallest 
    checked[argSmallest] <- true 
    minCost[argSmallest] <- 0 
    for v from 0 to n - 1 
     let cost = matrix[min(argSmallest, v)][max(argSmallest, v)] 
     if not checked[v] and cost < minCost[v] then 
      minCost[v] <- cost 
     end if 
    end for 
end repeat 

如果所有的邊緣成本是肯定的,那麼你就可以minCost[w] > 0代替測試checked[w],並廢除了checked陣列。你也可以融合兩個循環。


謝謝你的回覆。你能澄清'let cost = matrix [min(v,w)] [max(v,w)]'這行嗎?我不確定我在那裏正確理解語法。 – user1290164


要添加到我以前的評論中,如果它意味着我要從'v'和'w'中選擇行的最小值並且爲列選擇最大值,那麼我認爲我會遇到同樣的問題,如果我正在用迭代器實現'checkThese'中的v,那麼如何獲得'v'屬性的值。 – user1290164


@ user1290164我的意思是,既然您已經將矩陣的條目存儲在主對角線的上方,但不是對稱的,您需要交換指數,如果它們的順序錯誤。 –