2016-09-24 69 views

我有具有2的向下採樣率也就是說,我的金字塔的底部是一個形狀(256, 256),其中一個新的水平是(128, 128)的圖像等圖像金字塔如何指定numpy矩陣的子集來放置較小的矩陣?



def pyramid2img(pmd): 
    Given a pre-constructed pyramid, this is a helper 
    function to display the pyramid in a single image. 

    # orignal shape (pyramid goes from biggest to smallest) 
    org_img_shp = pmd[0].shape 

    # the output will have to have 1.5 times the width 
    out_shp = tuple(int(x*y) \ 
     for (x,y) in zip(org_img_shp, (1, 1.5))) 
    new_img = np.zeros(out_shp, dtype=np.int8) 

    # i keep track of the top left corner of where I want to 
    # place the current image matrix 
    origin = [0, 0] 
    for lvl, img_mtx in enumerate(pmd): 

     # trying to specify the subset to place the next img_mtx in 
     sub = new_img[origin[0]:origin[0]+pmd[lvl].shape[0], 
      origin[1]:origin[1]+pmd[lvl].shape[1]]# = img_mtx 

     # some prints to see exactly whats being called above^
     print 'level {}, sub {}, mtx {}'.format(
      lvl, sub.shape, img_mtx.shape) 
     print 'sub = new_img[{}:{}, {}:{}]'.format(
      origin[0], origin[0]+pmd[lvl].shape[0], 
      origin[1], origin[1]+pmd[lvl].shape[1]) 

     # first shift moves the origin to the right 
     if lvl == 0: 
      origin[0] += pmd[lvl].shape[0] 
     # the rest move the origin downward 
      origin[1] += pmd[lvl].shape[1] 

    return new_img 


level 0, sub (256, 256), mtx (256, 256) 
sub = new_img[0:256, 0:256] 

level 1, sub (0, 128), mtx (128, 128) 
sub = new_img[256:384, 0:128] 

level 2, sub (0, 64), mtx (64, 64) 
sub = new_img[256:320, 128:192] 

level 3, sub (0, 32), mtx (32, 32) 
sub = new_img[256:288, 192:224] 

level 4, sub (0, 16), mtx (16, 16) 
sub = new_img[256:272, 224:240] 

level 5, sub (0, 8), mtx (8, 8) 
sub = new_img[256:264, 240:248] 

level 6, sub (0, 4), mtx (4, 4) 
sub = new_img[256:260, 248:252] 



爲什麼當我指定像new_img[256:320, 128:192]片,它返回一個對象,具有形狀(0, 64),不(64, 64)






import numpy as np 
import pylab as pl 
import cv2 

img = cv2.imread("earth.jpg")[:, :, ::-1] 

size = 512 
imgs = [] 
while size >= 2: 
    imgs.append(cv2.resize(img, (size, size))) 
    size //= 2 


def align(size, width, loc): 
    if loc in ("left", "top"): 
     return 0 
    elif loc in ("right", "bottom"): 
     return size - width 
    elif loc == "center": 
     return (size - width) // 2 

def resize_canvas(img, shape, loc, fill=255): 
    new_img = np.full(shape + img.shape[2:], fill, dtype=img.dtype) 
    y = align(shape[0], img.shape[0], loc[0]) 
    x = align(shape[1], img.shape[1], loc[1]) 
    new_img[y:y+img.shape[0], x:x+img.shape[1], ...] = img 
    return new_img 

def vbox(imgs, align="right", fill=255): 
    width = max(img.shape[1] for img in imgs) 
    return np.concatenate([ 
      resize_canvas(img, (img.shape[0], width), ("top", align), fill=fill) 
      for img in imgs 

def hbox(imgs, align="top", fill=255): 
    height = max(img.shape[0] for img in imgs) 
    return np.concatenate([ 
      resize_canvas(img, (height, img.shape[1]), (align, "left"), fill=fill) 
      for img in imgs 
     ], axis=1) 


pl.imshow(hbox([imgs[0], vbox(imgs[1:])])) 

enter image description here


譁一下這是一個聰明的方法!非常感謝你:) 我開始閱讀關於numpy切片/大踏步前進http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4257394/slicing-of-a-numpy-2d-array-or-how-do-i-extract -an-mxm-submatrix-from-an-nxn-ar 這似乎是一場噩夢。您的解決方案非常直觀。謝謝。 – spanishgum