2017-05-04 15 views

編輯: 所以這只是一個快速的問題 所以這是偉大的,所有,但我的關注是如果他們鍵入YES和是?濫用繼續循環,比較輸入的大寫和較低的答案

import sys 
import random 

roll_again = "yes" 

msg=input('Dice Rolling Simulator. Let the dices be ever in your favour. Press ENTER to start our game of luck') 
if msg!=input: 

while roll_again == "yes": 
    min = 1 
    max = 6 
    face = random.randint (min,max) 
    print (face) 

cmd=input("Would you like to roll the dice again? Type yes if you do.") 

if cmd != roll_again : #if it is not 'yes' then system automatically exits. 
print ("One who doesn't throw the dice can never expect to score a six. -Navjot Singh Sidhu") 

對不起,我很不確定,可能從以前的所有夜晚都有點累。 請幫助


continue語句用於跳過循環的其餘部分。你能提供更多的例子嗎? – gonczor


沒有多個'if's。只需將輸入的字符串轉換爲小寫,並將其與「是」進行比較即可。你應該顯示完整的循環,很難從不完整的代碼中判斷你的錯誤。 –


import random 

roll_again = "yes" 

msg = input('Dice Rolling Simulator. Let the dices be ever in your favour. Press ENTER to start our game of luck\n') 

# While the input in lower case is equal to "yes" a dice will be rolled 
while msg.lower() == "yes": 
    min = 1 
    max = 6 
    face = random.randint (min,max) 
    print (face) 
    msg = input("Would you like to roll the dice again? Type yes if you do.\n") 

# we get here when the input in lower case is not equal to "yes 
print("One who doesn't throw the dice can never expect to score a six. -Navjot Singh Sidhu") 
# no need of sys.exit() because system will exit anyway 

你好。我試着運行代碼,並且只要我按下回車鍵,它就立即去了報價:0 –


它對我來說工作得很好。不要直接回車,先寫「是」,然後按回車鍵。按Enter鍵導致「msg =」「'。 –


我明白了。我明白 –



import sys 
import random 

roll_again = "yes" 

input("Dice Rolling Simulator. Let the dices be ever in your favour. Press ENTER to start our game of luck") 

while True: 
    min = 1 
    max = 6 
    face = random.randint(min,max) 

    cmd = input("Would you like to roll the dice again? Type yes if you do.") 
    if cmd.lower() != roll_again: #if it is not 'yes' then system automatically exits. 
     print("One who doesn't throw the dice can never expect to score a six. -Navjot Singh Sidhu") 
