2010-04-20 36 views

我的DevExpress CSV導出每條記錄有兩行。郵寄地址強制CSV(DevExpress控件)的第2條記錄

Rank Score,Prog.,Full Address    
63.30  ,JIW ,1234 Whispering Pines Dr 
      ,  ,Sometown MI 48316 
62.80  ,JIW ,9876 Beagle Dr    
      ,  ,Sometown Twp MI 48382 

我想將它更改爲一行,因爲我想做一個單詞合併。 (除非Word可以將這兩條線合併在一起,這是我不能做的事情)

DevExpress XtraGrid ExportToText是否允許這樣做?



Public ReadOnly Property FullAddress() As String 
     Dim strAddress As System.Text.StringBuilder = New StringBuilder() 
     If Not IsNullEntity Then 
      strAddress.Append(Line1 + ControlChars.NewLine) 
      If Not Line2 Is Nothing AndAlso Me.Line2.Length > 0 Then 
       strAddress.Append(Line2 + ControlChars.NewLine) 
      End If 
      If Not Line3 Is Nothing AndAlso Me.Line3.Length > 0 Then 
       strAddress.Append(Line3 + ControlChars.NewLine) 
      End If 
      strAddress.Append(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", City, RegionCode, PostalCode)) 
      If Me.Country <> "UNITED STATES" Then 
       strAddress.Append(ControlChars.NewLine + Me.Country) 
      End If 
     End If 
     Return strAddress.ToString 
    End Get 
End Property 


Dim saveFile As New SaveFileDialog 
    With saveFile 
     '.InitialDirectory = ClientManager.CurrentClient.Entity.StudentPictureDirectory 
     .FileName = "ApplicantList.csv" 
     .CheckPathExists = True 
     .CheckFileExists = False 
     .Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" 
    End With 
    If saveFile.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then 
     Dim PrintingTextExportOptions As New DevExpress.XtraPrinting.TextExportOptions(",", Encoding.ASCII) 
     PrintingTextExportOptions.QuoteStringsWithSeparators = True 
     ApplicantRankListViewsGridControl.ExportToText(saveFile.FileName, PrintingTextExportOptions) 
    End If 
