2015-04-23 90 views




// Chapter 7---Files for Programming Challenge 13---Inventory Class 

// This is the inventory.h file. 
// It contains the Inventory class declaration. 

#ifndef INVENTORY_H 
#define INVENTORY_H 

class Inventory 
    int itemNumber; 
    int quantity; 
    double cost; 
    double totalCost; 
    // Default constructor 
     { itemNumber = quantity = cost = totalCost = 0; } 

    // Overloaded constructor 
    Inventory(int, int, double); // Defined in Inventory.cpp 

    // Mutators (i.e., "set" functions) defined in Inventory.cpp 
    void setItemNumber(int); 
    void setQuantity(int); 
    void setCost(double); 

    // setTotalCost calculates the total cost 
    // and stores the result in the totalCost member 
    void setTotalCost() 
     { totalCost = cost * quantity; } 

    // Accessors (i.e., "get" functions) 
    int getItemNumber() 
     { return itemNumber; } 
    int getQuantity() 
     { return quantity; } 
    double getCost() 
     { return cost; } 
    double getTotalCost() 
     { return totalCost; } 

    // Input validation functions 
    bool validInt(int); 
    bool validFloat(double); 


// This is the inventory.cpp file. 
// It contains the Inventory class function definitions. 

#include <iostream> 
#include "Inventory.h" 
using namespace std; 

// Overloaded constructor 
// Accepts arguments to be stored in each member variable. 
Inventory::Inventory(int in, int q, double c) 

// setItemNumber accepts an argument to be stored in item number. 
void Inventory::setItemNumber(int in) 
    while (!validInt(in)) 
     cout << "Item Number must be positive. Please re-enter: "; 
     cin >> in; 
    itemNumber = in; 

// setQuantity accepts an argument to be stored in quantity. 
void Inventory::setQuantity(int q) 
    while (!validInt(q)) 
     cout << "Quantity must be positive. Please re-enter: "; 
     cin >> q; 
    quantity = q; 

// setCost accepts an argument to be stored in cost. 
void Inventory::setCost(double c) 
    while (!validInt(c)) 
     cout << "Cost must be positive. Please re-enter: "; 
     cin >> c; 
    cost = c; 

// The validInt member tests its integer argument to see 
// if it is negative. If the argument is negative, the function 
// returns false. Otherwise, the function returns true. 
bool Inventory::validInt(int value) 
    if (value < 0) // the value is negative so it is NOT valid 
     return false; 
    else    // the integer value is valid 
     return true; 

// The validFloat member tests its floating-point argument to see 
// if it is negative. If the argument is negative, the function 
// returns false. Otherwise, the function returns true. 
bool Inventory::validFloat(double value) 
    if (value < 0) // the value is negative so it is NOT valid 
     return false; 
    else    // the floating-point value is valid 
     return true; 



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:(@ validFloat函數 –


