2014-10-07 100 views

我使用Django rest框架構建了一個API,但我在使用基本認證來驗證請求時遇到了問題。出於測試目的,我有一個,當通過POST打來電話,提供了User模型有效的用戶名/密碼查看,應該返回模型所提供的id,在這種情況下id=1018Django REST框架沒有認證細節

curl -X POST http://<my-url>/api/detail/1018 -u <username>:<password> 
{"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."} 

GET要求做工精細因爲不需要認證。我一直在大致遵循rest framework tutorial。在每一節課我都permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly, IsOwnerOrReadOnly,)


from rest_framework import permissions 

class IsOwnerOrReadOnly(permissions.BasePermission): 

    def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj): 
     # Read permissions are allowed to any request, 
     # so we'll always allow GET, HEAD or OPTIONS requests. 
     if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS: 
      return True 

     # Write permissions are only allowed to the owner of the account. 
     # I have commented this out and set it to return True so that I can test 
     # more easily narrow down the cause of the error. 
     #obj.owner.id == request.user.id 
     return True 

