2011-10-02 187 views

我毫無希望地試圖找到填充範圍內容的更好方法。這種方式會產生正確的結果,但速度很慢。任何人都可以按照如何填充二維陣列或以其他方式加快算法的方向來指出我的正確方向?我會喜歡有人成功的代碼片段,甚至只是顯示更清晰的方法的鏈接。excel vba - 高效循環二維數組

here is my OLD code: 
    f = 1 
    maxcol = 'func call to get last non blank col ref .ie could return T, R, H.etc 

    For f = 1 To UBound(filenames) 
     Set aDoc = LoadXmlDoc(filenames(f)) 
     For Each c In Worksheets("Results").Range("A1:" & maxcol & "1") 
             c.Offset(f, 0).Value = aNode.Text 
        Next c 
     Worksheets("Results").Range(maxcol & "1").Offset(f, 0).Value = filenames(f) 
    Next f 


Dim aDoc As DOMDocument 
Dim aNode As IXMLDOMNode 
Dim numOfXpaths As Integer 
Dim filenames As Variant 
Dim f As Integer 
Dim maxcol As String 
Dim rngStart As Range 
Dim nColIndex As Long 
Dim lngCalc As Long 
'Dim numOfFiles As Integer 
Dim aXpaths As Variant 
     numOfFiles = UBound(filenames) 
    colToRow aXpaths, numOfXpaths 
    maxcol = Number2Char(numOfXpaths) 
     ReDim aValues(1 To numOfFiles, 1 To numOfXpaths + 1) As Variant 
     For f = 1 To numOfFiles 
      Set aDoc = LoadXmlDoc(filenames(f)) 
      For nColIndex = 1 To numOfXpaths 
        If aDoc.parseError Then 
         aValues(f, nColIndex) = "XML parse error:" 
         Set aNode = aDoc.selectSingleNode(aXpaths(nColIndex)) 
         aValues(f, nColIndex) = aNode.Text 
        End If 
      Next nColIndex 
      aValues(f, numOfXpaths + 1) = filenames(f) 
     Next f 
     Worksheets("Results").Range("A1").Offset(1, 0).Resize(numOfFiles, numOfXpaths + 1).Value = aValues 

    Function colToRow(ByRef aXpaths As Variant, ByRef numOfXpaths As Integer) 
    Dim xpathcount As Integer 
    Dim c As Integer 
    'Dim aXpaths As Variant 
    xpathcount = Worksheets("Xpaths").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 1 
    ReDim aXpaths(1 To xpathcount + 1) As Variant 
    For c = 0 To xpathcount 
     Worksheets("Results").Range("A1").Offset(0, c) = Worksheets("Xpaths").Range("A1").Offset(c, 0) 
     Worksheets("Results").Range("A1").Offset(0, c).Columns.AutoFit 
     aXpaths(c + 1) = Worksheets("Xpaths").Range("A1").Offset(c, 0) 
    Next c 
    Worksheets("Results").Range("A1").Offset(0, xpathcount + 1) = "Filename" 
    'colToRow = xpathcount + 1 
    numOfXpaths = xpathcount + 1 
    End Function 

Function Number2Char(ByVal c) As String 
Number2Char = Split(Cells(1, c).Address, "$")(1) 
End Function 

確定它是填充問題的範圍內容,而不是加載XML文件並進行XPath查找?屏幕更新和計算關閉了嗎? –


是的,它會產生正確的結果,但只需大約6分鐘即可完成2個xpath在5000個文件中(每個大約5-7KB) – toop


看起來好像你寫結果的方式並不重要:你的6分鐘大部分時間可能用來加載和查詢文件,我不確定你怎樣才能使這部分更快(除非你把它們存放在一個平臺上) w驅動器)。也許如果你展示了更多的代碼,可能會有建議 - 你似乎在跳過一些行? –




像下面這樣。我喜歡0基於與其他語言的兼容性陣列,而你似乎是使用基於1陣列(1 to UBound(filenames)所以有可能是關閉的情況的一個在下面未經測試的代碼中的錯誤:

f = 1 
maxcol = 'func call to get last non blank col ref .ie could return T, R, H.etc 

' 2D array to hold results  
' 0-based indexing: UBound(filenames) rows and maxcol columns 
Dim aValues(0 to UBound(filenames)-1, 0 To maxcol-1) As Variant 
Dim rngStart As Range 
Dim nColIndex As Long 

For f = 1 To UBound(filenames) 
    Set aDoc = LoadXmlDoc(filenames(f)) 

    aValues(f-1, 0) = filenames(f) 

    For nColIndex = 1 To maxCol-1 
     aValues(f-1, nColIndex) = aNode.Text 
    Next nColIndex 

Next f 

' Copy the 2D array in one go 
Worksheets("Results").Offset(1,0).Resize(UBound(filenames),maxCol).Value = aValues 

當您從XML獲得結果時,是否查看了使用XML地圖顯示信息 - 可能不適合您的情況,但值得一試。




+1爲新想法。有興趣知道在這種情況下是否有任何通用的非xml方法循環。 – toop





  1. 的代碼通過使用區域的處理非contigious範圍
  2. 當使用變體陣列alwasy測試範圍設定數組大小是大於1個細胞 - 如果不是你不能使用變體
  3. 從一系列代碼readas,運行操作,那麼轉儲回相同的範圍
  4. 使用值2是略高於值


'Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) 
'From the Menu, choose Insert-Module. 
'Paste the code into the right-hand code window. 
'Press Alt + F11 to close the VBE 
'In Xl2003 Goto Tools … Macro … Macros and double-click KillLeadingZeros 

Sub KillLeadingZeros() 
    Dim rng1 As Range 
    Dim rngArea As Range 
    Dim lngRow As Long 
    Dim lngCol As Long 
    Dim lngCalc As Long 
    Dim objReg As Object 
    Dim X() 

    On Error Resume Next 
    Set rng1 = Application.InputBox("Select range for the replacement of leading zeros", "User select", Selection.Address, , , , , 8) 
    If rng1 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 
    On Error GoTo 0 

    'See Patrick Matthews excellent article on using Regular Expressions with VBA 
    Set objReg = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") 
    objReg.Pattern = "^0+" 

    'Speed up the code by turning off screenupdating and setting calculation to manual 
    'Disable any code events that may occur when writing to cells 
    With Application 
     lngCalc = .Calculation 
     .ScreenUpdating = False 
     .Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
     .EnableEvents = False 
    End With 

    'Test each area in the user selected range 

    'Non contiguous range areas are common when using SpecialCells to define specific cell types to work on 
    For Each rngArea In rng1.Areas 
     'The most common outcome is used for the True outcome to optimise code speed 
     If rngArea.Cells.Count > 1 Then 
      'If there is more than once cell then set the variant array to the dimensions of the range area 
      'Using Value2 provides a useful speed improvement over Value. On my testing it was 2% on blank cells, up to 10% on non-blanks  
      X = rngArea.Value2 
      For lngRow = 1 To rngArea.Rows.Count 
       For lngCol = 1 To rngArea.Columns.Count 
        'replace the leading zeroes 
        X(lngRow, lngCol) = objReg.Replace(X(lngRow, lngCol), vbNullString) 
       Next lngCol 
      Next lngRow 
      'Dump the updated array sans leading zeroes back over the initial range 
      rngArea.Value2 = X 
      'caters for a single cell range area. No variant array required 
      rngArea.Value = objReg.Replace(rngArea.Value, vbNullString) 
     End If 
    Next rngArea 

    'cleanup the Application settings 
    With Application 
     .ScreenUpdating = True 
     .Calculation = lngCalc 
     .EnableEvents = True 
    End With 

    Set objReg = Nothing 
    End Sub