2016-02-13 250 views

我對異常處理相當陌生,正在尋找一些特殊異常的幫助。我編寫了一個GUI程序,根據他們的生日來確定用戶的年齡。我想處理如果用戶輸入除有效生日之外的任何內容時拋出的異常。我想我已經正確地處理了拋出的異常(NumberFormatException),但堆棧跟蹤仍在顯示。有沒有辦法來防止這種情況,或者它只是拋出/捕獲異常的一部分? (我也是新來張貼在這個網站,所以我很想在我怎樣才能讓我的職位更好的任何反饋,謝謝!)Java異常處理和堆棧跟蹤


This program was written to determine a users age based on the input of 
their birthday and the current date. 
Written by Randy Egan for CSC161. 
Some exception handling has been implemented when entering an invalid 
import java.util.Calendar; 
import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.io.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 
import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 
public class AgeCalculator extends JFrame{ 

public static final int WIDTH = 600; 
public static final int HEIGHT = 200; 
public static final int LEFT = 450; 
public static final int RIGHT = 250; 
//these will be used to set positioning and size for the window 

private JLabel enterBDayL, userAgeL; 
private JTextField enterBDayTF, userAgeTF; 
private JButton clearB, calculateB; 
//these will be used to set up the GUI 

private Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); 

public AgeCalculator(){ 

    //start of GUI setup- 

    setTitle("Age Calculator"); 

    enterBDayL = new JLabel("Enter your birthday in the form MM/DD/YYYY"); 
    userAgeL = new JLabel("Your current age is"); 

    enterBDayTF = new JTextField(); 
    userAgeTF = new JTextField(); 

    clearB = new JButton("Clear"); 
    calculateB = new JButton("Calculate"); 
    calculateB.addActionListener(new CalculateButtonHandler()); 
    clearB.addActionListener(new ClearButtonHandler()); 

    Container pane = getContentPane(); 
    pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2)); 




private class CalculateButtonHandler implements ActionListener{ 
//This method is where the age calculation happens 
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ 
    String rawBirthday = enterBDayTF.getText(); 
     String[] birthday = rawBirthday.split("/"); 
     int birthMonth = Integer.parseInt(birthday[0]); 
     int birthDay = Integer.parseInt(birthday[1]); 
     int birthYear = Integer.parseInt(birthday[2]); 

    catch(NumberFormatException x){ 
     System.err.println("Invalid Birthday Format: " + x); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a birthday in the form MM/DD/YYYY"); 
     String[] birthday = rawBirthday.split("/"); 
     int birthMonth = Integer.parseInt(birthday[0]); 
     int birthDay = Integer.parseInt(birthday[1]); 
     int birthYear = Integer.parseInt(birthday[2]); 

    int currentDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); 
    int currentMonth= cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); 
    //The current month has to be incremented because in this library 
    //they count the months starting from 0. Without incrementing the 
    //month, the program works perfectly fine, except for birthday's 
    //in the current month, where the age is not calculated properly. 

    int currentYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); 

    if(currentYear == birthYear) 
     userAgeTF.setText("" + 1); 
     //this checks to see if the user's birth year is equal to the 
     //current year, if it is, it returns one for the user's age 
     //since the user's birthday would have already passed. 

    if(currentMonth < birthMonth){ 
     int age = currentYear - birthYear - 1; 
     userAgeTF.setText("" + age); 
    if(currentMonth > birthMonth){ 
     int age = currentYear - birthYear; 
     userAgeTF.setText("" + age); 
    if(currentMonth == birthMonth && currentDay < birthDay){ 
     int age = currentYear - birthYear - 1; 
     userAgeTF.setText("" + age); 
    if(currentMonth == birthMonth && currentDay >= birthDay){ 
     int age = currentYear - birthYear; 
     userAgeTF.setText("" + age); 
    //this block of if statements is used to handle if the user's birthday 
    //has passed for the current year or not. 


private class ClearButtonHandler implements ActionListener{ 
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ 

public static void main(String[] args){ 
    AgeCalculator ac = new AgeCalculator();  



異常來自行號82. Integer.parseInt函數。由於這是一個運行時異常,因此編譯器不會強迫你捕捉它。 –


嘿蘭迪,歡迎來到SO!你的帖子看起來不錯,只有我想指出的是試着發佈一個MCVE(http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)。這意味着只有發佈相關代碼才能讓人們更快地解決您的問題,而無需對我們不需要的所有內容進行排序。例如,在這種情況下,所有的JButton和圖形對象看起來都可能不需要用於問題的目的,所以它們可以被刪除。 –


非常感謝您的信息! –




在 AgeCalculator $ CalculateButtonHandler.actionPerformed(AgeCalculator.java:82)



public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
    String rawBirthday = enterBDayTF.getText(); 
    try { 
     String[] birthday = rawBirthday.split("/"); 
     int birthMonth = Integer.parseInt(birthday[0]); 
     int birthDay = Integer.parseInt(birthday[1]); 
     int birthYear = Integer.parseInt(birthday[2]); 

     int currentDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); 
     int currentMonth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); 
     //The current month has to be incremented because in this library 
     //they count the months starting from 0. Without incrementing the 
     //month, the program works perfectly fine, except for birthday's 
     //in the current month, where the age is not calculated properly. 

     int currentYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); 

     if (currentYear == birthYear) 
      userAgeTF.setText("" + 1); 
     //this checks to see if the user's birth year is equal to the 
     //current year, if it is, it returns one for the user's age 
     //since the user's birthday would have already passed. 

     if (currentMonth < birthMonth) { 
      int age = currentYear - birthYear - 1; 
      userAgeTF.setText("" + age); 
     if (currentMonth > birthMonth) { 
      int age = currentYear - birthYear; 
      userAgeTF.setText("" + age); 
     if (currentMonth == birthMonth && currentDay < birthDay) { 
      int age = currentYear - birthYear - 1; 
      userAgeTF.setText("" + age); 
     if (currentMonth == birthMonth && currentDay >= birthDay) { 
      int age = currentYear - birthYear; 
      userAgeTF.setText("" + age); 
     //this block of if statements is used to handle if the user's birthday 
     //has passed for the current year or not. 

    } catch (NumberFormatException x) { 
     System.err.println("Invalid Birthday Format: " + x); 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a birthday in the form MM/DD/YYYY"); 
