def caesar_cipher(string, shift = 1)
alphabet = Array('a'..'z')
non_caps = Hash[alphabet.zip(alphabet.rotate(shift))]
# I understand this is making an a-z array, then making a hash with the key being the original and value being the shifted letter ie. with a shift of 3, "a" => "d"
alphabet = Array('A'..'Z')
caps = Hash[alphabet.zip(alphabet.rotate(shift))]
encrypter = non_caps.merge(caps) #I think that this just combines the two hashes together?
string.chars.map { |c| encrypter.fetch(c, c) }
#This is the part i really just do not fully understand. You split the string up into characters, then iterate through each one, then does fetch just replace the letter with the the correlated values in the hash?
p caesar_cipher("testingzZ1Z").join
歡迎來到堆棧溢出,你是對的。看到http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Hash.html#method-i-fetch,現在出去! :) –
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