2015-01-14 96 views


我需要定義一些在ST s內使用的函數,當然這並不取決於s。然而,這導致了一個問題,即Exp的兩個Int適用於它的表達式不會導致Block。爲什麼?


import Control.Monad.ST 
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector) 
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U 
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (STVector) 
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM 

type Exp = Int -> Int -> Block 
type Block = forall s . STVector s Int -> ST s Int 

block :: [Block] -> Block 
block [] _ = return 0 -- mapM doesn't work, either - ok, I kinda see why 
block (e:es) a = do x <- e a 
        xs <- block es a 
        return $ x+xs 

copy :: Exp 
copy i j a = do 
     aj <- a `UM.unsafeRead` j 
     UM.unsafeWrite a i aj 
     return 1 

f :: Block -> Vector Int -> Int 
f blk ua = runST $ U.thaw ua >>= blk 

g :: Block -> Int 
g blk = f blk $ U.fromListN 12 [1..] 

main = print . g $ block [copy 10 1] 


Couldn't match type `STVector s0 Int -> ST s0 Int' 
       with `forall s. STVector s Int -> ST s Int' 
Expected type: Block 
    Actual type: STVector s0 Int -> ST s0 Int 
In the return type of a call of `block' 
Probable cause: `block' is applied to too few arguments 
In the second argument of `($)', namely `block [copy 10 1]' 
In the expression: print . g $ block [copy 10 1] 

預期和實際類型之間的區別是forall s.位,據我可以告訴。


該問題類似於http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27887907/transducers-in-haskell-and-the-monomorphism-restriction – phadej





main = print . g $ block [copy 10 1] 

main = print (g (block [copy 10 1])) 


另一種選擇是使用它們的實例化類型註釋(.)($) - 但這樣會比較麻煩。


'($)'是一個神奇的操作符,所以你可以寫'main = print $ g $ block [copy 10 1]'。 – user3237465


使用newtype代替Block將保持s存在。否則將 「泄漏」 出來


type Block = forall s . STVector s Int -> ST s Int 
type Exp = Int -> Int -> Block 


g . block 


g . block :: [Block] -> Int 


block :: forall s. [forall s0. STVector s0 Int -> ST s0 Int] -> (STVector s Int -> ST s Int) 
g :: (forall s1. STVector s1 Int -> ST s1 Int) -> Int 


g . block :: forall s . [forall s0. STVector s0 Int -> ST s0 Int] -> Int 


forall s1. STVector s1 Int -> ST s1 Int -- and 
(STVector s Int -> ST s Int) 


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} 
import Control.Monad.ST 
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector) 
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U 
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (STVector) 
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM 

type Exp = Int -> Int -> Block 
newtype Block = Block { unBlock :: forall s . STVector s Int -> ST s Int } 

block :: [Block] -> Block 
block [] = Block $ \_ -> return 0 -- mapM doesn't work, either - ok, I kinda see why 
block (e:es) = Block $ \a -> do x <- unBlock e a 
           xs <- unBlock (block es) a 
           return $ x + xs 

copy :: Exp 
copy i j = Block $ \a -> do 
     aj <- a `UM.unsafeRead` j 
     UM.unsafeWrite a i aj 
     return 1 

f :: Block -> Vector Int -> Int 
f (Block blk) ua = runST $ U.thaw ua >>= blk 

g :: Block -> Int 
g blk = f blk $ U.fromListN 12 [1..] 

main = print . g $ block [copy 10 1] 

我upvoted你的答案,但榮譽去@chi,因爲他解釋「爲什麼」也是問題的一部分。 –


真的,你可以在'g中註釋'(。)'。塊「來使它與'type'一起工作true。但是這太麻煩了,我甚至沒有提到它:) – phadej
