public function foo()
//Retrieve all of the questions
$Statement = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE condition = ?");
while ($row = $Statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
$id[] = $row["id"];
$question[] = $row["question"];
$asker[] = $row["asker"];
$timestamp[] = $row["timestamp"];
$likes[] = $row["likes"];
$iLimit = count($id); //Set a limit based on the size of the array
if ($iLimit > 0)
//Save everything in an array for the questions
for ($iCount = 0; $iCount < $iLimit; $iCount++)
$question[$iCount] = Array ("id" => $id[$iCount],
"text" => $question[$iCount],
"username" => $asker[$iCount],
"timestamp" => $timestamp[$iCount],
"likes" => $likes[$iCount]);
//Retrieve all of the comments
$Statement = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE condition = ?");
while ($row = $Statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
$id[] = $row["id"];
$comment[] = $row["comment"];
$commenter[] = $row["commenter"];
$timestamp[] = $row["timestamp"];
$likes[] = $row["likes"];
$iLimit = count($id); //Set a limit based on the size of the array
if ($iLimit > 0)
//Save everything in an array for comments
for ($iCount = 0; $iCount < $iLimit; $iCount++)
$comment[$iCount] = Array ("id" => $id[$iCount],
"text" => $comment[$iCount],
"username" => $commenter[$iCount],
"timestamp" => $timestamp[$iCount],
"likes" => $likes[$iCount]);
//Merge the two arrays
$aNewsFeed = array_merge($question, $comment);
foreach ($aNewsFeed as $row)
$aOrdered[] = $row["timestamp"];
array_multisort($aOrdered, SORT_DESC, $aNewsFeed); //Sort the array
return $aNewsFeed;
} //end getNewsFeed
foreach ($Class->foo() as $news)
echo $news["text"]
明顯的問題要問你的自我我想被你明白['array_merge']之間的差值(HTTP ://php.net/manual/en/function.array-merge.php)和'$ array1 + $ array2'? – ficuscr