/*問題描述 - 我正在使用json stringify方法將json數組轉換爲json符號中的字符串。不過,我得到一個錯誤消息,或方法不支持'在線 hidden.value = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);如字符串化在IE8.Please支持建議json stringify在IE 8中給出運行時錯誤不支持對象屬性或方法
Full code below */
function getgridvalue() {
var exportLicenseId;
var bolGrossQuantity;
var bolNetQuantity;
var totalBolGrossQty =0 ;
var totalBolNetQty =0;
var jsonObj = []; //declare array
var netQtyTextBoxValue = Number(document.getElementById("<%= txtNetQty.ClientID %>").value);
var atLeastOneChecked = false;
var gridview = document.getElementById("<%= ExporterGrid.ClientID %>"); //Grab a reference to the Grid
for (i = 1; i < gridview.rows.length; i++) //Iterate through the rows
if (gridview.rows[i].cells[0].getElementsByTagName("input")[0] != null && gridview.rows[i].cells[0].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].type == "checkbox")
if (gridview.rows[i].cells[0].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].checked)
atLeastOneChecked = true;
exportLicenseId = gridview.rows[i].cells[8].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value;
bolNetQuantity = gridview.rows[i].cells[5].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value;
if (bolNetQuantity == "") {
alert('<%= NetQuantityMandatory %>');
return false;
if (!isNumber(bolNetQuantity)) {
alert('<%= NetQuantityNumber %>');
return false;
totalBolNetQty += Number(bolNetQuantity);
jsonObj.push({ ExportLicenseId: Number(exportLicenseId), BolNetQuantity: Number(bolNetQuantity) });
if (gridview.rows.length > 2 && !atLeastOneChecked)
alert('<%= SelectMsg %>');
return false;
if (totalBolNetQty != 0 && netQtyTextBoxValue != totalBolNetQty)
alert('<%= NetQuantitySum %>');
return false;
var hidden = document.getElementById('HTMLHiddenField');
// if (!this.JSON) {
// this.JSON = {};
// }
var JSON = JSON || {};
if (hidden != null) {
hidden.value = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);