基於您的評論,你看到一個Application-defined or object-defined error
變量爲0。這是因爲發生了Excel Range
Sub ErrorExample()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler ' Set the Error Handling Condition
' in this case, if an error occurs
' goto the ErrHandler label
' do stuff
Debug.Print "I am in `do stuff` code"
Range(Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(9, 1),
Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(Endcolumn,
Endrow + 2)).Select Selection.RowHeight = 20
Exit Sub ' Exit from the Sub gracefully and do not run the
' following lines of code (if this is not
' included, the ErrHandler code will run in all
' cases, not just error cases
Debug.Print "I will never run"
Debug.Print "I am in the error code"
' Code to run in case of error
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Search Engine").Protect ' protect your sheet
On Error GoTo 0 ' Reset the error handling condition
End Sub
你稱之爲「錯誤」是什麼? – ApplePie 2012-07-23 11:13:59
你能提供樣本代碼嗎?那麼,據我所知,我認爲它不能跳過錯誤,因爲在那種情況下,它會錯誤...(?) – Trace 2012-07-23 11:33:53
錯誤,因爲在運行時錯誤,我做了一個搜索引擎,將通過列表的數據並將任何相關數據傳輸到搜索引擎表中,但顯然表格中的數據不應該由用戶改變,但是如果在搜索過程中發生運行時錯誤,它將是可變的。我有一個部分給了我一個ruby錯誤,但我現在已經解決了這個問題,但是對於一個例子,我會把它放在一起 – user1545643 2012-07-23 11:53:51