我用這個answer啓發了一個使用fork()和execv()啓動進程的輔助函數。它用於例如開始mysqldump進行數據庫備份。 該代碼在不同程序的幾個不同位置完全正常工作。Linux:fork&execv,等待子進程掛起
現在我打了一個失敗的星座: 這是一個調用systemctl來停止一個單位。運行systemctl工作,單元停止。但是在中間進程中,當wait()等待子進程時,wait()會掛起,直到超時過程結束。 如果我檢查,如果工作進程完成kill(),我可以告訴它它已經完成。
重要提示:除了wait()不表示結束工作進程外,程序不會發生錯誤或故障。 我的代碼中是否有任何內容(見下文)不正確,可能會觸發該行爲? 我讀過Threads and fork(): think twice before mixing them,但我找不到與我的問題有關的任何內容。
奇怪的是: 程序中使用了深入深入的JSON-RPC。如果我使用JSON-RPC停用代碼,那麼一切正常!?
環境: 使用該函數的程序是一個多線程應用程序。所有線程的信號都被阻止。主線程通過sigtimedwait()處理信號。
代碼(生產代碼,其中測井得到通過的std :: COUT交易來輸出)與樣品主要功能:
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
namespace {
bool checkStatus(const int status) {
return(WIFEXITED(status) && (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0));
bool startProcess(const char* const path, const char* const argv[], const unsigned int timeoutInSeconds, pid_t& processId, const int* const fileDescriptor) {
auto result = true;
const pid_t intermediatePid = fork();
if(intermediatePid == 0) {
// intermediate process
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Started (" << getpid() << ")." << std::endl;
const pid_t workerPid = fork();
if(workerPid == 0) {
// worker process
if(fileDescriptor) {
std::cout << "Worker process: Redirecting file descriptor to stdin." << std::endl;
const auto dupResult = dup2(*fileDescriptor, STDIN_FILENO);
if(-1 == dupResult) {
std::cout << "Worker process: Duplication of file descriptor failed." << std::endl;
execv(path, const_cast<char**>(argv));
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Worker failed!" << std::endl;
} else if(-1 == workerPid) {
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Starting worker failed!" << std::endl;
const pid_t timeoutPid = fork();
if(timeoutPid == 0) {
// timeout process
std::cout << "Timeout process: Started (" << getpid() << ")." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Timeout process: Finished." << std::endl;
} else if(-1 == timeoutPid) {
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Starting timeout process failed." << std::endl;
kill(workerPid, SIGKILL);
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Finished." << std::endl;
// ---------------------------------------
// This code is only used for double checking if the worker is still running.
// The if condition never evaluated to true in my tests.
const auto killResult = kill(workerPid, 0);
if((-1 == killResult) && (ESRCH == errno)) {
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Worker is not running." << std::endl;
// ---------------------------------------
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Waiting for child processes." << std::endl;
int status = -1;
const pid_t exitedPid = wait(&status);
// ---------------------------------------
// This code is only used for double checking if the worker is still running.
// The if condition evaluates to true in the case of an error.
const auto killResult2 = kill(workerPid, 0);
if((-1 == killResult2) && (ESRCH == errno)) {
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Worker is not running." << std::endl;
// ---------------------------------------
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Child process finished. Status: " << status << "." << std::endl;
if(exitedPid == workerPid) {
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Killing timeout process." << std::endl;
kill(timeoutPid, SIGKILL);
} else {
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Killing worker process." << std::endl;
kill(workerPid, SIGKILL);
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Waiting for worker process to terminate." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Finished." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Waiting for timeout process to terminate." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Intermediate process: Finished." << std::endl;
_exit(checkStatus(status) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
} else if(-1 == intermediatePid) {
// error
std::cout << "Parent process: Error starting intermediate process!" << std::endl;
result = false;
} else {
// parent process
std::cout << "Parent process: Intermediate process started. PID: " << intermediatePid << "." << std::endl;
processId = intermediatePid;
bool waitForProcess(const pid_t processId) {
int status = 0;
const auto waitResult = waitpid(processId, &status, 0);
auto result = false;
if(waitResult == processId) {
result = checkStatus(status);
int main() {
pid_t pid = 0;
const char* const path = "/bin/ls";
const char* argv[] = { "/bin/ls", "--help", nullptr };
const unsigned int timeoutInS = 5;
const auto startResult = startProcess(path, argv, timeoutInS, pid, nullptr);
if(startResult) {
const auto waitResult = waitForProcess(pid);
std::cout << "waitForProcess returned " << waitResult << "." << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "startProcess failed!" << std::endl;
- 中間過程:等待子過程。
- 中間過程:子過程完成。狀態:0.
- 中間過程:殺死超時過程。
- 中間過程:等待子進程。
- 中間過程:子過程完成。狀態:-1
- 中間過程:殺死工作進程。
而父被阻止'wait',請問孩子顯示爲一個殭屍? – Useless
我編譯和運行的代碼,我沒覺得有有奇怪的行爲,你能提供的'預期result'和'當前result'? –
@無用:沒有殭屍進程。 'ps -l'返回例如用於中間的進程ID 617,用於超時的進程ID 619,但不是618。 我在殺碼測試()產生相同的結果。 – DrP3pp3r