2016-01-11 64 views




package exporter 

type DB struct { 
    queriesExecuted int 

func Open(dataSourceName string) *DB { 
    connection := sqlx.MustConnect("mysql", dataSourceName) 
    db := &DB{connection, 0} 
    return db 

func (db *DB) Close() { 
    db.Close() // this is where the stack growth happens 

func (db *DB) GetArticles() []oxarticle { 

package main 

func main() { 
    exporter := feedexporter.Open("root:[email protected]/feedexport") 
    defer exporter.Close() 

    articles := exporter.GetArticles() 


runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 1000000000-byte limit

fatal error: stack overflow





func (db *DB) Close() { 
    db.Close() // you're currently IN this exact method! 

什麼你大概意思做的是調用一個已嵌入到您的自定義DB結構的sqlx.DB結構的Close()方法。我不太熟悉sqlx包,但是according to the documentation這種類型甚至沒有Close()方法。這是最有可能是因爲sqlx.DB實際上並不代表一個連接,但創建和透明地關閉連接的連接池:

A DB instance is not a connection, but an abstraction representing a Database. This is why creating a DB does not return an error and will not panic. It maintains a connection pool internally, and will attempt to connect when a connection is first needed.


By default, the pool grows unbounded, and connections will be created whenever there isn't a free connection available in the pool. You can use DB.SetMaxOpenConns to set the maximum size of the pool. Connections that are not being used are marked idle and then closed if they aren't required. To avoid making and closing lots of connections, set the maximum idle size with DB.SetMaxIdleConns to a size that is sensible for your query loads.

It is easy to get into trouble by accidentally holding on to connections. To prevent this:

  1. Ensure you Scan() every Row object
  2. Ensure you either Close() or fully-iterate via Next() every Rows object
  3. Ensure every transaction returns its connection via Commit() or Rollback()